
10 Pins
How to Teach Valuable Life Skills to Your Teen with ADHD - Ben and Me
Do you have a teen with ADHD? Now is the time to make sure you are training him in life skills for college and into adulthood. Here's how.
Why Having ADHD Means You Also Have Executive Function Disorder - A dose of healthy distraction
Executive Functions involve 6 basic activities or thought processes. These processes are ALL related to your ability to control your actions and get things done. - "Analyzing a task. Planning how to address the task. Organizing the steps needed to carry out the task. Developing a timeline for completing the task.... "
ADHD: A Growing Concern for Youth and Adults [INFOGRAPHIC]
ADHD infographic put together by the team at Rawhide Boys Ranch. Everything from…
Organized Charm | Bloglovin’
I recently received a request for a post on How to Study with ADD/ADHD. “Of course!”, I thought, “I can’t believe I haven’t written about this before now!”. The most recent numbers from the CDC say
ADHD Diet: The Cure Is Nutrition Not Drugs (For: Children, Adult ADD, Marriage, Adults, Hyperactive Child) - Solution without Drugs or Medication
ADHD Diet: The Cure Is Nutrition Not Drugs (For: Children, Adult ADD, Marriage, Adults, Hyperactive Child) - Solution without Drugs or Medication eBook: Martin Meyer: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store
How Deep Breathing Opens Up the ADHD Brain
Breathe in... Breath out... Why people with ADHD should learn deep breathing techniques.
Free Guide to Natural ADHD Treatment Options
Download, print, and use this FREE handout to help you better understand the benefits and risks of Alternative ADHD Treatments: http://www.additudemag.com/resources/free-downloads/2729.html.