Our Poultry Production System

So what does a resilient, sustainable food production system look like? Our working model includes more than 14 symbiotically connected agricultural enterprises. Natural, free-range poultry is at the heart of the system because of its benefits to the ecology (think manure instead of chemical fertilizers), the short life cycle of poultry, the familiarity to many immigrant families, and the potential for vertical integration.
13 Pins
Spreading barley and straw! Barley is used as a supplement to the organic feed, and straw helps the soil retain moisture. Taking care of the soil is taking care of the chickens.
Sharing Our Roots
Can we build a perennial agriculture landscape that can adapt to a more unstable climate while producing the fruits, vegetables, lean meats, healthy lives, economies and ecology that we need? Read more here- www.mainstreetproject.org
We look forward to an exciting spring and summer training session. The aspiring agripreneurs show passion and dedication to actively participating in building a resilient food system that contributes to the health of individuals, communities, and the environment. Stay tuned to hear their stories soon! Join us and our partners in embarking on a journey of sustainability. www.mainstreetproject.org Twitter: @main_street
This Spring we are raising 2 flocks of 'Freedom Fighter' chickens. A graduate from the Fall 2013 Agripreneur Training Program is raising one flock of 1100 chickens and a team of Spring 2014 current trainees are raising their first flock while participating in the business training. www.mainstreetproject.org Twitter: @main_street
Free of crates or confinement. Fed and raised humanely outdoors with plenty of space and sunlight. Free of genetically modified grains. Only fed non-GMO grains, sprouts and forages. Free of antibiotics, chemical and synthetic hormones. The result is tender, juicy and flavorful chicken. If you care about where your food comes from, you can be proud to serve Main Street Farmers chicken at your table. Local – Natural – USDA Inspected http://www.mainstreetproject.org/?p=538
Spreading straw mulch works to balance the nitrogen-carbon ratio in the soil allowing for richer soil microbiological systems to develop. This provides growing plants needed inputs and prepares the soil for more robust growth of ground cover. http://www.mainstreetproject.org/?page_id=8
Northfield, MN
This year we'll be incorporating an egg-production component to our 14 piece enterprise system! Check it out here! http://www.mainstreetproject.org/?page_id=279
Northfield, MN
Northfield, MN Solarium www.mainstreetproject.org
Northfield, MN
Northfield, MN www.mainstreetproject.org Winter Solarium
Northfield, MN
Regenerating Our Ecosystems-Free-range poultry is central to our larger system design because of the benefits it provides to the soil and the land. This system design also generates low risk and faster economic returns, start-up accessibility for beginning farmers and many other highly desirable indicators of a new system proposition. http://www.mainstreetproject.org/?p=568 Northfield, MN
Northfield, MN
Hazelnut Field Day! http://www.mainstreetproject.org/?s=hazelnuts Northfield, MN
Northfield, MN
This is what free-range poultry looks like. http://www.mainstreetproject.org/?page_id=8 Northfield, MN
Northfield, MN
Main Street Project http://www.mainstreetproject.org/ Northfield, MN