The Deep South

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22 Albino Animals That Don't Need Color To Look Beautiful
White alligator is one of rarest in world with only 12 of its kind. These are not albino animals, they are what we call leucistic, which means they have a little bit of pigmentation around the mouth and a little touch on the tail and they have piercing blue eyes......Louisiana is the first place to see one of these amazing reptiles.
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Randomly found this picture labeled "Ponchatoula, Louisiana." I dare say this is really right down Hwy 21 a little ways on Bedico Creek!
✯ Cotton Farm. Looks like our trips to visit Papa in Oct. Looks like it snowed in the south. So cool, I always bring bunches of white and brown boles home for crafting and decorating.
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Born On The Bayou
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Born On The Bayou - YouTube
Our Tiny Adventure
In a Louisiana Bayou. - Explore the World with Travel Nerd Nici, one Country at a Time.
Louisiana, the Bayou State~loved them so much when I was out there
Bayou in Louisianna, naturally beatiful
Crooked Cypress
Crooked Cypress, Lake Martin, Cypress Island Nature Preserve, Louisiana.
Erakon Blog
Manchac Swamp, Louisiana Located in the U.S. state of Louisiana, near the city of New Orleans, is also known as swamp of the ghosts."