
18 Pins
This Artist Drew One Movie Quote Every Day For A Year
Artist Ian Simmons drew one movie quote for each day of the past year, and they're all amazing.
8 Middle Earth Font Alphabet Images - Lord of the Rings Hobbit Font, Middle Earth Font and Lord of the Rings Elvish Language Alphabet
Lord of the Rings Elvish Language Alphabet
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ON SALE Lord of rings 218 x 307 stitches Cross by borntocross
Return of the King by haleyhss on DeviantArt
Return of the King by haleyhss.deviantart.com on @deviantART
Boromir's arm guards by evankart on DeviantArt
Aragorn scene Boromir's arm guards by evankart
Gandalf by Knesya27 on DeviantArt
Gandalf by Knesya27 on DeviantArt
Doors of Durin
Doors of Durin by Liam Ashurst
LOTR movie trivia
i really love that Orlando and Viggo did there own stunts. and that Viggo answered to Aragorn
Gandalf "Mithrandir"
Gandalf " Mithrandir"