Powerful pics

110 Pins
Hypocrite Ed Royce Tips Hat to 9/11 First Responders; Forgot He Voted Against 9/11 First Responders Bill
9 11 first responders | ... 11 First Responders; Forgot He Voted Against 9/11…
Presidential Access: Unguarded Moments, Captured On Film
"JFK and Caroline Kennedy having a tea party." I can't handle photos of JFK with his kids - they're too sweet and too sad.
Eight Ways to Prepare for the March For Life (even if you can't go)
“The so-called right to abortion has portrayed the greatest of gifts — a child — as a competitor, an intrusion and an inconvenience.” --Mother Teresa http://www.aquinasandmore.com/blog/marchforlife2016
Meet the Marybel Doll Who Gets Well
Vintage photo of a little girl on crutches with her Madame Alexander "Marybel" doll who came with crutches and hospital gear, 1950.