gs cookie poster board

19 Pins
Girl Scout Cookies STOP Sign Cookie Booth Printable 2 Versions RED and GREEN 8.5x11 and 16x20 Girl Scouts Cookie Booth Decor Banner Supplies - Etsy
Girl Scout Cookies STOP Sign Cookie Booth Printable 2 Versions | Etsy
Valentine's Day Cookie Signs, Printable Cookie Posters Set of 2, Cookie Military Fundraiser, Cookie Drop Booth Banner,
These AWESOME & adorable valentine's day promotional cookie posters are a great way to take advantage of the sweet holiday! An excellent way to promote and boost cookie sales during the weeks leading up to valentine's day!!!!Capture the eyes and attention of future cookie buyers with these festive, bright and cute signs. Give the girls something to hold and a great conversation starter for introducing new ideas about how to incorporate cookies into the lives of potential customers by giving boxe
Girl Scout Cookie Camo Poster - Donate cookies to Military - 8 x 10 printable
Add this camouflage cookie poster to your cookie booth and/or stands! A great way to give customers the option to donate boxes to the military!! This is always a great option if your customer can't eat the cookies themselves. This faux chalkboard background prints great color or black & white. Size : 8 x 10 Format: PDF IDEAS FOR PRESENTING AFTER PRINTING * Place in a frame * Laminate * Enlarge and paste on a poster board or card stock This is an excellent tool to help your Girl Scout achieve
Cookie Booth Sign, If You Can't Eat 'Em Treat 'Em, Donate Cookies For Military Troops, Printable Cookie Drop Banner,
This AWESOME cookie poster is great to display at cookie booths and stands! Capture the eyes and attention of future cookie buyers with this great sign.Spark and idea! Customers saying no because they can't eat cookies and sugar, or just don't want to? Donate a box to the troops instead! Keep your cookie numbers up by thinking outside the "cookie" box!!!!Ideas for use: Place on an easel by cookie stand, attach to the front of the table with strong tape or clips, or have one of the scouts hold th