113 Pins
Hearthfire Handworks Pagan Prayer Beads
A prayer to Hekate, Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, protector of women, guardian of the home. #paganprayer #greekgods #hellenicpagan #hekate #hecate
Discover the Crystals Associated with Hecate: Moonstone, Labradorite, and More!
Explore the mystical connections between Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic and the crossroads, and her crystal correspondences. This image highlights the key stones associated with Hecate, including Moonstone, Labradorite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Chiastolite, Dalmatian Jasper, Larvikite, Black Tourmaline, and Jet. These crystals are believed to enhance your rituals, protect against negative energies, and deepen your spiritual practices. Dive into the magical world of Hecate and harness the power of these enchanting stones. #Hecate #CrystalHealing #MoonstoneMagic #ObsidianProtection #SmokyQuartz #Chiastolite #DalmatianJasper #BlackTourmaline #JetStone #GreekGoddess #GoddessHecate