Donice drewno diy

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7.9K views · 2.5K reactions | Transformando a natureza em arte: um passo a passo para criar vasos de plantas encantadores a partir de troncos de árvores. 🌿✨ #artenatural #diyverde #urbanjungle #rustico #diyplantas #diyvideo #artecommadeira #decoracaosustentavel #jardinagemcriativa #facavocemesmo #naturezaemcasa #planta #artesanatonatural #criatividadeverde #vidaaoarlivre | Produtor de Plantas | Anitta · Ahi
30K views · 629 reactions | Let us know if you’d like to see a full YouTube tutorial for this! Easy, inexpensive and a gift that keeps on giving! 🌶️🥕🥬🥦 #diy #diyprojects #garden #raisedgardenbeds #howto #mothersday #diyideas #diycrafts #gardendesign #gardenlife #outdoors #outdoorlife | Emyludesigns | Emyludesigns · Original audio
336K views · 39K reactions | Para transformar um recipiente comum em um charmoso vaso com ripas de madeira, siga este tutorial simplificado: Materiais: - Recipiente (de qualquer material) - Ripas de madeira (quantidade depende do tamanho do recipiente) - Serra ou serrote - Lixa - Cola para madeira ou cola quente - Verniz ou tinta (opcional) - Régua e lápis Passos: 1. **Medição:** - Meça a altura e a circunferência do recipiente para determinar quantas ripas e de que tamanho elas precisam ser. 2. **Preparação das Ripas:** - Com base nas medidas, marque e corte as ripas na altura desejada. Lixe as bordas para evitar farpas. 3. **Teste de Ajuste:** - Antes de colar, organize as ripas ao redor do recipiente para garantir um bom encaixe. 4. **Colagem:** - Aplique cola na lateral de cada ripa ou diretamente no recipiente, colando as ripas uma a uma ao redor dele. Pressione firmemente. 5. **Secagem:** - Deixe a cola secar completamente, seguindo as instruções do fabricante para tempo de secagem. 6. **Acabamento:** - Se desejar, aplique verniz ou pinte as ripas para proteger a madeira e adicionar cor. Deixe secar bem. Pronto! Seu novo vaso com ripas de madeira está preparado para embelezar qualquer espaço, interno ou externo. Experimente com diferentes tamanhos e cores para criar uma coleção única! #vasos #plantas #jardim | Vivasos ⚜ | Red Prysock · Charleston Twist
41K views · 4.3K reactions | How I made my hanging basket last year 🌿🌸 It’s too early yet to start making one this year. I’ll be making mine in about 3 weeks time and will make another video 🙌. These are what I used but you can use any amount of plants. The more you use the bigger the display will be. Use trailing plants at the bottom of the basket. 🌟 18 inch forged iron basket 🌟 18 inch basket liner Plants used from the bottom upwards 🌟 2 nepeta variegated 🌟 2 lysmachia gold 🌟 6 trailing lobelia white 🌟 4 trailing sufinia white 🌟 4 trailing pertunas sanguna blue 🌟 4 mini trailing pertunas callie orange 🌟 2 diasica flying colours salmon 🌟 2 nemesia blue bicolours 🌟 3 pelargonium trailing temprano white 🌟 3 pelargonium upright tango orange 🌟 4 lobelia erinnus techno up blue 🌟 4 pertuna trailing dekko white imp How to make it. ~ Place basket liner inside basket. ~ Place on top of a bowl. ~ Make 4 slits at the bottom of the liner and carefully push through the nepeta and the lysmachia. ~ Add some soil to cover. ~ Add the lobelia through the gaps ~ Add the white sufinia’s and cover with more soil. ~ Make 4 more slits and add the blue sufinia’s and more soil ~ Add the orange mini petunia’s ~ Add the Diasica salmon making more slits as needed ~ Add the Nemesia blue and more soil Top of the basket ~ Add trailing pelargronium white at the sides ~ Add the upright pelargronium orange to the centre ~ Add the lobelia and the petunia’s trailing, filling the basket. Tips. I staple together the top of the liner openings to keep it all compact and also use zippy ties to hold the basket liner to the basket to make it more secure. Water in with Miracle Grow feed and feed weekly. Keep the soil moist at all times and water daily when it’s hot. (Soak it till the water runs though the bottom). Also dead head the petunia’s and sufinia’s when you water to encourage more flowers. Any questions, feel free to ask. Have a great day. Janice 💙 #flowers #hangingbaskets #gardeninspiration #gardenlove #gardeninspouk #garden #gardeninspiration | 𝑱𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒆 Bristow | Above & Beyond · Blue Monday (Extended Mix)
1.1K reactions · 71 shares | Copy my secrets and you make amazing wood projects visit link in bio . Credit - @antfactory_workshop Stay safe every day 👍 💥Want to start woodworking but don’t know where and how to start? 💡 Learn STEP BY STEP on how to create beautiful woodworkingprojects from scratch, for sale or simply to decorate your home! 📒 There are more than 16000 woodworkingplans containing step by step instructions on whatever you areu working on. (instructions with photos⁣) 💣 👌 The plans are 77 % off😱 A Limited Time Offer⏳⏳CLICK LINK IN BIO - 💑........#Woodworking #woodshop #woodworkinglife #woodshoplife #garagewoodshop #woodworker #woodwork #woodworkingfun #dowoodworking #diy #diywoodwork #diywoodworking #bestigwoodworking #christmasproject | The Carpenter Canvas | thecarpentercanvas · Original audio