
2,321 Pins
Walk Your Way to Fitness: A Beginner’s Guide
Start small and work your way to 10,000 daily steps with this gradual plan. it helps you seamlessly add walking into your lifestyle.
ADHD and Productivity: 20 Tips to Help You Get More Done
Ready to unlock your productivity potential and crush your ADHD? 😄 These 20 ADHD-friendly tips will help you boost your focus, organize your life, and become more productive.
6 habits to stop sabotaging your morning routine - The ADHD Homestead
6 habits to stop sabotaging your morning routine - The ADHD Homestead
Easy ways to follow an ADHD Diet - Fuzzymama
If you are curious about what foods can affect your ADHD child's symptoms, this is the article for you. Take this list of ingredients to the store with you and follow an ADHD Diet.
335: What's Next on the List? — Take Control ADHD
You have a terrific list of tasks. But how do you decide what to work on first? After a run of conversations about task managers, it's time to take on sorting, sifting, filtering, and making the tough decisions that help you determine just how to put one foot confidently in front of the other: setting priorities! #ADHD #AdultADHD