Copyright information
Title: | Ken |
Title note: | 1938-1939 |
More information: | Wikipedia article; Wikidata |
First issue: | April 7, 1938 (v. 1 no. 1) |
First renewed issue: | no issue renewals found in CCE |
First renewed contribution in: | April 7, 1938 (v. 1 no. 1); see 1965 January-June |
Last issue: | August 3, 1939 (v. 5 no. 5) |
Renewed contributions
This includes all active contribution renewals.
- April 7, 1938: "The Time Now, the Place Spain", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- April 21, 1938: "Dying, Well or Badly", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- May 5, 1938: "The Cardinal Picks a Winner", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- May 5, 1938: "Helli Was a Lady, Alas", by George Weller (using the name Seymour Todd) (Title as given in magazine issue. CCE renewal record gives title as 'Helli Doesn't Work There Any More'.)
- May 19, 1938: "Old Man at the Bridge", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- June 2, 1938: "United We Fall Upon Ken", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- June 16, 1938: "H. M.'s Loyal State Department", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- June 30, 1938: "Treachery in Aragon", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- July 14, 1938: "Call for Greatness", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- July 28, 1938: "My Pal the Gorilla Gargantua", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- August 11, 1938: "A Program for U.S. Realism", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- August 25, 1938: "Good Generals Hug the Line", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- September 8, 1938: "False News to the President", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- September 22, 1938: "Fresh Air on an Inside Story", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- October 20, 1938: "Genot, Man of Victory", by Manuel Komroff
- January 12, 1939: "The Next Outbreak of Peace", by Ernest Hemingway [Permissions]
- April 20, 1939: "Opera in Washington", by Leonard Q. Ross [Permissions] (Author is Leo Rosten writing under a pseudonym.)
Page information
Page responsibility: | John Mark Ockerbloom (ockerblo (at) pobox (dot) upenn (dot) edu) |
Last updated: | May 7, 2020 |
Machine-readable format: | JSON |
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Copyright registration and renewal records -- First periodical renewals -- Deep backfile knowledge base
Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
Data on this copyright information page is CC0. See OBP copyrights and licenses.