Title: | New York Journal-American |
Also known as: | New York Journal and American |
More information: | Wikipedia article; Wikidata |
Preceded by: | New York American, New York Evening Journal |
First renewed issue: | no issue renewals found in CCE or registered works database |
First renewed contribution in: | May 15, 1939; see 1966 January-June |
See also: | American Weekly Sunday Magazine |
Some relevant renewals may have been filed under the American Weekly Sunday Magazine, included in this newspaper on Sundays.
Some renewals for material that ran in the predecessors New York American and New York Evening Journal were filed under Artwork (generally for comic strips). We have not checked Artwork renewals for this newspaper. The first renewal shown here, for a Bringing Up Father comic strip, was filed as a periodical contribution. Other syndicated comics might also have renewals filed under other publications.
Page responsibility: | John Mark Ockerbloom (ockerblo (at) pobox (dot) upenn (dot) edu) |
Last updated: | January 7, 2023 |
Machine-readable format: | JSON |
The preparers of this page do not represent the publishers or the rightsholders of this publication. To the best of their knowledge, the information in it is correct, and complete within any limits specified above. It may still have inadvertent errors and omissions, however; if you know of any, please contact the page maintainer shown above. This page is not legal advice.
Copyright registration and renewal records -- First periodical renewals -- Deep backfile knowledge base
Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (onlinebooks@pobox.upenn.edu)
Data on this copyright information page is CC0. See OBP copyrights and licenses.