Planet Stories
Copyright information
Renewed contributions
This includes all active contribution renewals.
- Summer 1940 (v. 1 no. 3): "The Forbidden Dream", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Summer 1940 (v. 1 no. 3): "The Dark Swordsmen of Saturn", by Neil R. Jones
- Fall 1940 (v. 1 no. 4): "Hermit of Saturn's Ring", by Neil R. Jones
- Winter 1940 (v. 1 no. 5): "One Thousand Miles Below", by Eando Binder [Permissions] (Author name is a pseudonym for Earl and Otto Binder)
- Winter 1940 (v. 1 no. 5): "Atom of Death", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Spring 1941 (v. 1 no. 6): "Vampire of the Void", by Neil R. Jones
- Spring 1941 (v. 1 no. 6): "Exiles of the Desert Star", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Summer 1941 (v. 1 no. 7): "Mutiny Aboard the 'Terra'", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions] (Title as given on cover. CCE renewal record gives title as 'Mutiny on the Terra'.)
- Fall 1941 (v. 1 no. 8): "Vassals of the Master World", by Eando Binder [Permissions] (Author name is a pseudonym for Earl and Otto Binder)
- Winter 1941/42 (v. 1 no. 9): "Man of the Stars", by Sam Moskowitz [Permissions]
- Spring 1942 (v. 1 no. 10): "Black Friar of the Flame", by Isaac Asimov [Permissions]
- Summer 1942 (v. 1 no. 11): "Task to Lahri", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Summer 1942 (v. 1 no. 11): "As It Was", by Ross Rocklynne (using the name Carlton Smith) [Permissions]
- Winter 1942 (v. 2 no. 1): "Spoilers of the Spaceways", by Neil R. Jones
- March 1943 (v. 2 no. 2): "Slaves of the Ninth Moon", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- May 1943 (v. 2 no. 3): "The Sandhound", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Spring 1945 (v. 2 no. 10): "The Sandhound Strikes", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Fall 1945 (v. 2 no. 12): "The Bubble Dwellers", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Winter 1945 (v. 3 no. 1): "The Diversipal", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions] (Title as given in CCE renewal record. FictionMags gives title as 'The Diversifal'. I have not examined the issue in question.)
- Summer 1946 (v. 3 no. 3): "Pumpkin Eater", by Ross Rocklynne (using the name Carlton Smith) [Permissions]
- Summer 1946 (v. 3 no. 3): "Captives of the Weir Wind", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Summer 1946 (v. 3 no. 3): "Million Year Picnic", by Ray Bradbury [Permissions]
- Fall 1946 (v. 3 no. 4): "Six Tuesdays", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- Winter 1947 (v. 3 no. 9): "The Running of the Zar", by Bill Garson (using the name Vaseleos Garson)
- Spring 1948 (v. 3 no. 10): "Confusion Cargo", by William Tenn (using the name Kenneth Putnam) [Permissions] (CCE renewal record specifies issue as 'Spring 1947'; issue in which it appears is dated 'Spring 1948' on the cover and 'Dec. 1947-Feb. 1948' on the contents page.)
- Fall 1948 (v. 3 no. 12): "Mars is Heaven", by Ray Bradbury [Permissions]
- Fall 1948 (v. 3 no. 12): "Brooklyn Project", by William Tenn [Permissions]
- Spring 1950 (v. 4 no. 6): "Forever and the Earth", by Ray Bradbury [Permissions] (CCE renewal record says this story was published in Planet Comics, but it was actually published in this magazine issue.)
- Summer 1950 (v. 4 no. 7): "Death-by-Rain", by Ray Bradbury [Permissions]
- Fall 1950 (v. 4 no. 8): "Death Wish", by Ray Bradbury [Permissions]
- Fall 1950 (v. 4 no. 8): "The Sky is Falling", by Henry Kuttner (using the name C. H. Liddell) [Permissions]
- Fall 1950 (v. 4 no. 8): "Meem", by Margaret St. Clair [Permissions]
- November 1950 (v. 4 no. 9): "Carry Me Home", by Henry Kuttner (using the name C. H. Liddell) [Permissions]
- November 1950 (v. 4 no. 9): "Final Mission", by John D. MacDonald [Permissions]
- November 1950 (v. 4 no. 9): "Mitkey Rides Again", by Fredric Brown [Permissions]
- May 1951 (v. 4 no. 12): "Garrigan's Bems", by Mack Reynolds [Permissions] and Gordon R. Dickson [Permissions]
- July 1951 (v. 5 no. 1): "Slave Ship to Andrigo", by Ross Rocklynne [Permissions]
- July 1951 (v. 5 no. 1): "Temple of Han", by Jack Vance [Permissions]
- July 1951 (v. 5 no. 1): "Blackout in Cygni", by James Blish [Permissions]
- September 1951 (v. 5 no. 2): "The Incubi of Parallel X", by Theodore Sturgeon [Permissions]
- September 1951 (v. 5 no. 2): "The Inhabited Men", by Margaret St. Clair [Permissions] (Title as given in issue. Renewal record in registered works database gives title as 'The Inhabited Man'.)
- September 1951 (v. 5 no. 2): "The Star Fool", by Gordon R. Dickson [Permissions]
- November 1951 (v. 5 no. 3): "The Illusionaries", by Eric Frank Russell [Permissions]
- March 1952 (v. 5 no. 5): "Ricochet on Miza", by Gordon R. Dickson [Permissions]
- May 1952 (v. 5 no. 6): "War-Maid of Mars", by Poul Anderson [Permissions]
- September 1952 (v. 5 no. 8): "The Star Plunderer", by Poul Anderson [Permissions]
- September 1952 (v. 5 no. 8): "The Slaves of Venus", by James E. Gunn (using the name Edwin James)
- January 1953 (v. 5 no. 10): "Design for Great Day", by Eric Frank Russell [Permissions]
- January 1953 (v. 5 no. 10): "War Drums of Mercury Lost", by John Jakes
- May 1953 (v. 5 no. 12): "The Infinites", by Philip K. Dick [Permissions]
- May 1953 (v. 5 no. 12): "Eyes of the Double Moon", by Joe L. Hensley [Permissions]
- July 1953 (v. 6 no. 1): "The Man the Worlds Rejected", by Gordon R. Dickson (using the name Dickson Gordon) [Permissions]
- September 1953 (v. 6 no. 2): "The Ark of Mars", by Leigh Brackett [Permissions]
- January 1954 (v. 6 no. 4): "Mars Minus Bisha", by Leigh Brackett [Permissions]
- May 1954 (v. 6 no. 6): "James P. Crow", by Philip K. Dick [Permissions] (A 1983 renewal record in the registered works database places this in the Spring 1955 issue, but it was actually published in the May 1954 issue. A 1983 filing may be too late to renew the 1954 publication.)
- May 1954 (v. 6 no. 6): "Skeletons of Space", by James McKimmey
- Summer 1954 (v. 6 no. 7): "The Ogre Test", by Robert Sheckley [Permissions]
- Summer 1954 (v. 6 no. 7): "The Last Monster", by James McKimmey
- Summer 1954 (v. 6 no. 7): "The Ambassadors of Flesh", by Poul Anderson [Permissions]
- Fall 1954 (v. 6 no. 8): "Hex on Hax", by Robert Sheckley [Permissions] (Title as given in issue. Renewal record in registered works database gives title as 'Hex an Hax'.)
- Winter 1954-55 (v. 6 no. 9): "Teleportress of Alpha 'C'", by Leigh Brackett [Permissions]
- Winter 1954-55 (v. 6 no. 9): "Bottom is Up", by Raymond E. Banks
- Winter 1954-55 (v. 6 no. 9): "Life of a Salesman", by Raymond E. Banks (using the name Fred Freair)
- Spring 1955 (v. 6 no. 10): "Cage of a Thousand Wings", by Algis Budrys [Permissions]
- Summer 1955 (v. 6 no. 11): "Once a Starman", by Joe L. Hensley [Permissions]
Page information
Page responsibility: | John Mark Ockerbloom (ockerblo (at) pobox (dot) upenn (dot) edu) |
Last updated: | August 1, 2024 |
Machine-readable format: | JSON |
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Copyright registration and renewal records -- First periodical renewals -- Deep backfile knowledge base
Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
Data on this copyright information page is CC0. See OBP copyrights and licenses.