Vanity Fair
Copyright information
Renewed issues
This includes all active issue renewals through 1932. It might not show all renewals past that date.
- February 1930 (v. 33 no. 6), © January 20, 1930
- March 1930 (v. 34 no. 1)
- April 1930 (v. 34 no. 2)
- May 1930 (v. 34 no. 3)
- June 1930 (v. 34 no. 4)
- July 1930 (v. 34 no. 5)
- August 1930 (v. 34 no. 6)
- September 1930 (v. 35 no. 1)
- October 1930 (v. 35 no. 2)
- November 1930 (v. 35 no. 3)
- December 1930 (v. 35 no. 4)
- February 1931 (v. 35 no. 6), © January 24, 1931
- March 1931 (v. 36 no. 1)
- April 1931 (v. 36 no. 2)
- May 1931 (v. 36 no. 3)
- June 1931 (v. 36 no. 4)
- July 1931 (v. 36 no. 5)
- August 1931 (v. 36 no. 6)
- September 1931 (v. 37 no. 1)
- October 1931 (v. 37 no. 2)
- November 1931 (v. 37 no. 3)
- December 1931 (v. 37 no. 4)
- January 1932 (v. 37 no. 5), © December 24, 1931
- February 1932 (v. 37 no. 6), © January 25, 1932
- March 1932 (v. 38 no. 1)
- April 1932 (v. 38 no. 2)
- May 1932 (v. 38 no. 3)
- June 1932 (v. 38 no. 4)
- July 1932 (v. 38 no. 5)
- August 1932 (v. 38 no. 6)
- September 1932 (v. 39 no. 1)
- October 1932 (v. 39 no. 2)
- November 1932 (v. 39 no. 3)
- December 1932 (v. 39 no. 4)
- January 1933 (v. 39 no. 5), © December 23, 1932
- February 1933 (v. 39 no. 6), © January 25, 1933
- March 1933 (v. 40 no. 1)
- April 1933 (v. 40 no. 2)
- May 1933 (v. 40 no. 3)
- June 1933 (v. 40 no. 4)
- July 1933 (v. 40 no. 5)
- August 1933 (v. 40 no. 6)
- September 1933 (v. 41 no. 1)
- October 1933 (v. 41 no. 2)
- November 1933 (v. 41 no. 3)
- December 1933 (v. 41 no. 4)
Renewed contributions
This includes all active contribution renewals through 1933. It might not show all renewals past that date.
- March 1930: "Domestic and Juvenile", by Sherwood Anderson [Permissions]
- May 1930: "Coast Defender", by Jim Tully
- June 1930: "An Interview With Shaw", by Jim Tully
- July 1930: "Ireland Farewell", by Jim Tully
- August 1930: "Hyde Park and the Hecklers", by Jim Tully
- September 1930: "Article on Wells", by Jim Tully
- February 1931: "We Leave No Stone Unturned", by Corey Ford [Permissions] and Howard Deitz
- September 1931: "The Cry in the Night", by Sherwood Anderson [Permissions]
- October 1931: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- November 1931: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- December 1931: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- January 1932: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- February 1932: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- March 1932: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- April 1932: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- May 1932: "The Theatre", by George Jean Nathan [Permissions]
- March 1933: "Satire on Time Magazine", by Corey Ford [Permissions]
- April 1933: "Honey", by Paul Gallico [Permissions]
- July 1933: "Wedding Present", by Nancy Hale [Permissions]
- August 1933: "How to Relieve Practically Everybody", by John Riddell [Permissions] (Author name is a pseudonym for Corey Ford)
- September 1933: "Hotel Kid", by John O'Hara [Permissions]
- October 1933: "The Old Order", by Paul Horgan
- November 1933: "Horse Thief", by Erskine Caldwell [Permissions]
- November 1933: "A Detail of the Depression", by Irvin S. Cobb
- December 1933: "Now There Is Peace", by Richard Sherman
- January 1934: "The Intimate Recital", by Paul Horgan
- March 1934: "Name Me Five, A Questionnaire", by J. Bryan
- April 1934: "Go Dine Your Enemy", by Thomas Beer
- May 1934: "Nonsense, Renewed", by Thomas Beer
- June 1934: "Polly en Famille", by Gustav Eckstein
Page information
Page responsibility: | John Mark Ockerbloom (ockerblo (at) pobox (dot) upenn (dot) edu) |
Last updated: | January 5, 2025 |
Machine-readable format: | JSON |
The preparers of this page do not represent
the publishers or the rightsholders of this publication. To the best
of their knowledge, the information in it is correct, and complete within
any limits specified above. It may still have inadvertent errors and omissions,
however; if you know of any, please contact the page maintainer shown above.
This page is not legal advice.
Copyright registration and renewal records -- First periodical renewals -- Deep backfile knowledge base
Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
Data on this copyright information page is CC0. See OBP copyrights and licenses.