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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "VB333 .A5 1910" to "VK24 .M2 W3" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
V Naval Science (Go to start of category)
VB Naval Administration (Go to start of category)
VB333 .A5 1910 [Info] Record of Medals of Honor Issued to the Bluejackets and Marines of the United States Navy, 1862-1910 (Washington: GPO, 1910), by United States Navy Department Bureau of Navigation
VE Marines (Go to start of category)
VE7 .M4 [Info] Marine Corps Gazette (partial serial archives)
VE23 .M59 [Info] A History of the United States Marine Corps (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1939), by Clyde H. Metcalf (page images at HathiTrust)
VE23 .U58 [Info] The U. S. Marines in Rhyme, Prose, and Cartoon (third edition, special; New York: U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Publicity Bureau, ca. 1915), by United States Marine Corps (page images here at Penn)
VE23 .U58 [Info] U.S. Marines: Duties, Experiences, Opportunities, Pay (seventh edition; New York: US Marine Corps Publicity Bureau, ca. 1917), by United States Marine Corps (page images here at Penn)
VE25 .W384 W384 1990 [Info] The Journals of Marine Second Lieutenant Henry Bulls Watson, 1845-1848 (Washington: U.S. Marine Corps, 1990), by Henry Bulls Watson, ed. by Charles R. Smith
VE153 .A5 [Info] Small Wars Manual (1940 edition), by United States Marine Corps
VE403 .A3 1922 [Info] Uniform Regulations, United States Marine Corps, 1922 (Washington: GPO, 1922), by United States Marine Corps
VF Naval Ordnance (Go to start of category)
VF160 .B27 1863 [Info] Gunnery Instructions: Simplified for the Volunteer Officers of the U.S. navy, With Hints to Executive and Other Officers (third edition; New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1863), by Edward Barrett (page images at HathiTrust)
VF347 .R54 2006 [Info] The Sound of Freedom: Naval Weapons Technology at Dahlgren, Virginia, 1918-2006 (ca. 2006), by James P. Rife and Rodney P. Carlisle
VF353 .D13 1856 [Info] Shells and Shell-Guns (Philadelphia: King and Baird, printers, 1856), by John Adolphus Bernard Dahlgren (page images at HathiTrust)
VG Minor Services of Navies (Go to start of category)
VG93 .A793 1997 [Info] United States Naval Aviation, 1910-1995 (4th edition; Washington: Naval Historical Center, 1997), by Roy A. Grossnick (multiple formats at
VG93 .A793 2015 [Info] United States Naval Aviation, 1910-2010 (5th edition, 2 volumes; Washington: Naval History and Heritage Command, Department of the Navy, 2015), by Mark Llewellyn Evans and Roy A. Grossnick
VG123 .A22 [Info] Annual Report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Navy, Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, by United States Navy Department Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (full serial archives)
VG123 .A23 1928 [Info] Circular for the Information of Persons Desiring to Enter the Medical Corps of the United States Navy (Washington: GPO, ca. 1928), by United States Bureau of Naval Personnel (page images at HathiTrust)
VG123 .A35 1916 [Info] The Navy as a Special Field for Medical Work (Washington: GPO, 1916), by United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
VG123 .A4 1913 [Info] The Medical Corps of the United States Navy (Washington: GPO, 1913), by United States Navy Department Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (multiple formats at
VG463 .A3 1904 [Info] Handbook for the Ship's Medicine Chest (second edition; Washington: GPO, 1904), by George W. Stoner (multiple formats at
VG463 .A3 1912 [Info] Medical Handbook, for the Use of Lighthouse Vessels and Stations (revised edition of Stoner's Handbook for the Ship's Medicine Chest; Washington: GPO, 1912), ed. by William J. Pettus, contrib. by George W. Stoner
VG463 .A3 1915 [Info] Prevention of Disease and Care of the Sick and Injured: Medical Handbook for the Use of Lighthouse Vessels and Stations (Washington: GPO, 1915), by United States Lighthouse Service, ed. by W. G. Stimpson, contrib. by R. M. Woodward (multiple formats at
VG923 .A45 [Info] Blueprint Reading and Sketching (US Navy nonresident training course book; 1994), by D. S. Gunderson (PDF at
VK Navigation, Merchant Marine (Go to start of category)
VK1 .M4 [Info] The Mariner's Mirror (partial serial archives)
VK5 .N3 [Info] Naše More (in Croatian and English) (partial serial archives)
VK23 .S42 [Info] Sea History (full serial archives)
VK24 .M2 W3 [Info] Sailing Days on the Penobscot: The River and Bay As They Were in the Old Days (with a record of vessels built there; publication #24; Salem, MA: Marine Research Society, 1932), by George S. Wasson and Lincoln Colcord (page images at HathiTrust)

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