Read Banned Books: The Satanic Verses

Paperback book cover with author's name and title shows in alternating blue and green letters, and a central purple image of a stylized human figure apparently in mid-tumble, with arms outstretched and a long braid streaming up from the figure's head. Other text on the page includes '#1 NEW YORK TIME BESTSELLER' and a blurb by Nadine Gordimer saying 'A staggering achivement, brilliantly enjoyable.'
Cover of 2008 Random House trade paperback edition. (Source: Author's website)
Title:The Satanic Verses
Author:Salman Rushdie
First published:1988

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A magical realist novel featuring two Indian actors miraculously surviving a terrorist bombing of a flight to London, and dream sequences involving various religious figures (including one based on the prophet Muhammad). It won the Whitbread award for novel of the year and was a finalist for the Booker Prize.

Categories: religion

Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (, who is solely responsible for its content.
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