Read Banned Books: Lysistrata

Book cover showing a white sculpture of a reclining woman draped in a blanket from the hips down, and a naked back facing the viewer. The text 'Signet Classics' appears at the top, and at bottom appears 'LYSISTRATA / ARISTOPHANES / A Modern Translation by Douglass Parker With a New Afterword
Cover of 2009 Signet Classics edition. (Source: Publisher website)
First published:411 BCE (first performance)

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An ancient Greek comedy in which the title character and other Athenian women take control of the Acropolis and demand an end to the Peloponnesian War against Sparta. Their main leverage is to refuse sex with the men of Athens until they negotiate a peace. Aristophanes's play has been translated, adapted and performed many times in the past 2400 years.

Categories: online | politics | sex

Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (, who is solely responsible for its content.
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