Sudan Map

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Map of Sudan


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Sudan Location Map

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About Sudan

Sudan, officially the Republic of the Sudan, is a country located in Northeast Africa. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, Libya to the northwest, Chad to the west, South Sudan to the south, Ethiopia to the southeast, Eritrea to the east, and the Red Sea to the northeast.

With an area of 1,886,068 square kilometers (728,215 sq mi), Sudan is the third-largest country in Africa. The capital and largest city is Khartoum. The official languages are Arabic and English, with Arabic being predominantly used. The country's population is estimated at 50.5 million people (2024).

Sudan gained independence from the United Kingdom and Egypt in 1956. The country has experienced multiple civil conflicts, including two civil wars that led to the secession of South Sudan in 2011. The economy is primarily based on agriculture, with cotton and gum arabic being major exports. The country also has significant oil reserves, though many were lost after South Sudan's independence.

The climate of Sudan is mainly desert and semi-desert, with a rainy season in the south. The Nile River, formed by the Blue and White Nile rivers which meet in Khartoum, runs through the country from south to north. The country's landscape includes the Nubian Desert in the north, and the Nuba Mountains in the south central region.

The Facts:
Capital: Khartoum.
Area: 728,215 sq mi (1,886,068 sq km).
Population: ~ 50,500,000 (2024 estimate).
Largest cities: Omdurman, Khartoum, Khartoum North, Nyala, Port Sudan, El-Obeid, Kassala, Wad Madani, El-Gadarif, Al-Fashir, Al Qadarif, Berber, Dongola, Ad-Damazin, Ed Dueim, En Nahud, Geneina, Rabak, Sennar, Singa.
Official language: Arabic, English.
Currency: Sudanese pound (SDG).

States of Sudan: Khartoum, North Kordofan, South Kordofan, West Kordofan, Northern, Kassala, Gezira, White Nile, River Nile, Red Sea, Al Qadarif, Sennar, Blue Nile, Central Darfur, East Darfur, North Darfur, South Darfur, West Darfur.

Districts of Sudan: Al Kamlin, East al Gazera, North al Gazera, Al Managil, South al Gazera, Um Al Gura, Al Faw, Al Gadaref, Al Rahd, East Galabat, West Galabat, Al Fushqa, Butana, Qala al-Nahl, Al-Quresha, Ad Damazin, Al Roseires, Geissan, Baw, Al Kurumik, Seteet, Nahr Atbara, Kassala, Al Gash, Hamashkorieb, Khartoum, Um Badda, Omdurman, Karary, Khartoum Bahri, Sharg En Nile, South Khartoum, Mellit, Kutum, Kabkabiya, Al Fasher, Um Kadada, Sowdari, Jebrat al Sheikh, Sheikan, Bara, Um Rawaba, En Nuhud, Ghebeish, Wadi Halfa, Dongola, Merawi, Addabah, Halayeb, Port Sudan, Sinkat, Tokar, Abu Hamad, Berber, Ad Damer, Atbara, Shendi, Al Matammah, Sennar, Singa, Ad Dinder, Kas, Edd al Fursan, Nyala, Shearia, Al Deain, Adayala, Buram, Tulus, Rehed al Birdi, Dilling, Rashad, Abu Jubaiyah, Talodi, Kadugli, Lagawa, As Salam, Abyei, Kulbus, Al Geneina, Zallingi, Jebel Marra, Habillah, Wadi Salih, Mukjar, Ad Douiem, Al Gutaina, Kosti, Al Jabalian District.

Written and fact-checked by team.