West Adams meets University Park CicLAvia
West Adams meets University Park CicLAvia
CicLAvia catalyzes vibrant public spaces, active transportation and good health through car-free streets.
CicLAvia catalyzes vibrant public spaces, active transportation and good health through car-free streets.
Join us for the Olympic Park Neighborhood Council Meeting Monday, March 3, 7pm at the LAPD Wilshire Station, 4861 Venice Blvd. On our agenda: Grant for the Longwood Area Neighborhood Association Block Party Grant for Beautify LA LAFD Battalion 11 Appreciation Dinner
Use the MyLA311 to report illegal dumping, potholes, graffiti, street lighting and more. Get the app or use the website: https://lacity.gov/myla311
Join us for a Special Meeting of the Olympic Park Neighborhood Council Monday, March 10, 7pm online. On our agenda: Grant for the Longwood Area Neighborhood Association Block Party Grant for Beautify LA LAFD Battalion 11 Appreciation Dinner Zoom Meeting Online or By Telephone https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8386991801 Or Dial +16469313860 Then Enter This Webinar ID 8386991801 and …