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Translations of Oriental books, from Syriac, Arabic and Ethiopic, into French and English.
Contains the works:
I. — Mgr Addaï Scher.
Traités d’Isaï le docteur et de Hnana d’Adiabenè sur les Martyrs, le Vendredi d’or et les Rogations, et Confession de foi a réciter par les évêques nestoriens avant l’ordination. [Treatises of Isaiah the Doctor and Henana of Adiabene on the Martyrs, the Golden Friday and the Rogations, and Confession of Faith to be recited by the Nestorian bishops before ordination]
II. — Mgr Addaï Scher.
Histoire Nestorienne (Chronique de Séert), seconde partie, fasc. 1. [Nestorian History (Chronicle of Séert)]
III. — I. Guidi.
Le Synaxaire éthiopien (II. Le Mois de Hamlê). [The Ethiopian Synaxarium (II. The Month of Hamlê)]
IV. — A. A. Vasiliev.
Kitab al-ʻUnvan (Histoire universelle écrite par Agapius de Menbidj), seconde partie, fasc. 1. [Universal History written by Agapius of Manbij]
V. — E. W. Brooks.
The hymns of Severus and others in the syriac version of Paul of Edessa as revised by James on Edessa (fin).
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Fathers of the ChurchBook Details
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In various languages with French translations.
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January 15, 2017 | Edited by i r firefly | Edited without comment. |
January 14, 2017 | Edited by i r firefly | Added new cover |
January 14, 2017 | Edited by i r firefly | Update covers |
January 14, 2017 | Edited by i r firefly | Added new cover |
January 13, 2017 | Created by i r firefly | Added new book. |