The nervous system is an organ system that functions as the body’s transmitter. It relays signals from the brain going through the different body parts. It also serves as the controller of various bodily functions and procedures. There are two main parts of the nervous system – the central and peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. In contrast, the peripheral nervous system comprises nerves connected to the spinal cord going to all body parts and organs.
The nerves connected to the spinal cord and body are called dermatomes. When nerves are damaged, it affects the dermatomes, which destroys the signaling process of the peripheral nervous system. This nerve condition is called peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral neuropathy has different kinds, which depend on its causes. One of them is mononeuropathy, described as trauma to a single peripheral nerve. Polyneuropathy, on the other hand, occurs when several nerves are affected. Numerous factors can cause peripheral neuropathies. These include environmental factors like trauma, toxins, illness, infection, and medication side effects.
Common neuropathy symptoms include numbness, loss of sensation, tingling, burning sensation in the hands or feet, inability to experience pain, and sense of temperature.
The following are some home remedies for neuropathy.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is known to contain capsaicin. This flavoring agent is responsible for the spicy flavor that peppers have. In addition, this substance has an analgesic property used to treat neuropathy. This property is known to ease or relieve pain. It targets the postherpetic neuralgia or the painful signals sent in the bodies by the nerves. The capsaicin works by gradually sensitizing the affected areas first, then desensitizing them to the pain nerves.
Topical creams are made with capsaicin to be used as an analgesic for peripheral neuropathy pain. It reduces the skin’s sensitivity, which is caused by damaged neurons. It may have a stinging sensation when applied, but after repeated reapplications, the skin will be used to the feeling. It will be followed by desensitization which in return will reduce sensitivity.
If topical creams are unsuitable, a person with neuropathy can incorporate cayenne pepper into the diet or take supplements containing capsaicin. The right amount of cayenne pepper will alleviate the pain.