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Divya Chandrasekhar

Title: Associate Professor
College: Architecture & Planning
School / Department: City & Metropolitan Planning
Mentoring Philosophy:

My mentoring philosophy is to provide support and education tailored to the student's interests. This is done through small discussion or though self-exploration (online or in the field). I believe fieldwork is critical experience for students that want to work in disaster management or an allied profession, and I work to make this field experience as fulfilling as possible.

While in the field, the project team (including myself) is in constant contact with the student which allows for free and easy communication and learning. I emphasize independent growth and learning but always provide help and support as needed. Once the team has returned to Salt Lake City, we meet regularly through lab meetings that also includes other students working on other research projects under my supervision. This allows for networking opportunities with other students, builds a sense of community among the students, and helps build knowledge of the broader field within which all these studies are located.

I have a passion for learning myself and educating others, and I love encouraging my students to develop a similar passion in the field of their choice!