Dungeons and Dragons
New to the game? An accomplished DM? Enjoy our vast library of D&D content and free resources.
What is Dungeons & Dragons?
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a fantasy role-playing game set in an imaginary world based loosely on medieval myth. While no two games are the same, players often take on the role of adventurers, fighting monsters and gaining treasure while completing quests.
The game is played with a group of friends, with one player taking on the role of the Dungeon Master, who controls monsters and other non-player characters. The imaginary world players inhabit runs on the collective brainpower of their party. This "theater of the mind" is one of the distinguishing features of role-playing games (like D&D) compared to board games, video games, and other media. Millions of players worldwide play D&D because it rewards group improvisation, offers a sense of progression, and establishes just enough structure to encourage excitement and unpredictability.
Dungeons and Dragons has been around since the 1970s and has seen many different iterations. The most recent version, Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, was released in 2014. There are 12 playable "classes" included in the Player's Handbook. If you'd like to learn more about the background of the game, the full history of D&D is a fascinating trip through (relatively recent) history.
Playing D&D on Roll20
Roll20 is the easiest way to play Dungeons and Dragons online. We offer a virtual tabletop that runs entirely in your web browser – there's no software to download or servers to worry about. Since 2016, we've been an officially licensed partner with Wizards of the Coast, which has published Dungeons and Dragons since 1997. That means you can buy hundreds of official rulebooks, bundles, adventures, and more from our Marketplace. Roll20 supports over 1,200 different game systems, and D&D is one of the most popular, along with Pathfinder and Call of Cthulhu.
Beginner Tutorial
Just getting started? Learn how the D&D system works, how to create a character, and how to become a GM on Roll20.
Discover our Compendium
The D&D 5th Edition compendium contains all the rules and information that you need to run a 5E fantasy game using the world's most popular Roleplaying game system. We've included lists of all the rules, Spells, Monsters, Classes, and items for you to peruse and quickly reference during your games. Dive in and start playing today!
2024 Free Basic RulesShop Adventures & More
The Roll20 marketplace has thousands of items for DMs and players that plug-and-play into live online games. As an officially-licensed partner with Wizards of the Coast, we offer fully-converted sourcebooks, adventures, and addons, many of which include tokens, drag-and-drop monsters, and tons more assets that make your game as seamless and exciting as possible.
ShopModernized Character Sheet
We just launched a complete redesign of the D&D Character Sheet and Builder to provide additional flexibility in how you play. This means not only supporting both 2014 and 2024 versions of official D&D 5E rules and homebrew in character sheets, but also offering tools that keep your games running smoothly! Plus, you can have both of the official 5E sheets within one campaign on the Roll20 Tabletop in games opted into Project Jumpgate, our the improved Tabletop experience.
Try NowWatch IRL Gameplay
Watch some familiar faces from Critical Role, Dimension20, and Dungeons and Daddies play a chaotic game in-person.
Watch VideoBeginner Overview
Learn how dice rolls, character sheets, audio/video, and more work on Roll20.
Watch VideoD&D Support in 2024
Celebrate 50 years of Dungeons & Dragons with our upcoming character sheet for 5E, D&D 2024, and beyond!
Watch VideoD&D Resources
Classes & Characters
- D&D 5e Character Creator
- D&D Character Sheet
- The 12 Basic Classes
- Multiclassing
- Doric the Druid
- Xenk the Paladin
- Oathbreaker Paladin Guide
- Edgin the Bard
- Holga the Barbarian
- Simon the Sorcerer
- Most Powerful 5e Feats
- Cantrips in 5e
- Overview of Classic Races
- Understanding 5e Backgrounds
- Monk 2024 vs 2014
- 2024 Class Changes
- 2024 New Subclasses
Monsters & Locations
Deep Dive Into D&D
- Keys from the Golden Vault
- Learn the Tarokka Deck
- Lost Mine of Phandelver
- Curse of Strahd Review
- Ghosts of Saltmarsh Review
- Tomb of Annihilation Review
- How to Set Traps in D&D
- How to Run a D&D Heist
- Guide to Elminster & Mordenkainen
- D&D Lore in Baldur’s Gate 3
- D&D 2024: New Sheet and More
- D&D 2024: Feats
- D&D 2024: Crafting & Tools
- Inside the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide
- All About Bastions
Popular Sourcebooks & More
Content you buy on Roll20 is yours forever. Our adventures, sourcebooks, and other content all plug-and-play seamlessly into our virtual tabletop (VTT). No more copying and pasting!
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