19 Shocking Flea Facts You Need to Know to Defeat Them

Reading up on flea facts is nobody’s idea of a good time. But it must be done. Because although we all have a common idea of the unassuming flea (think cartoon dogs scratching their ears), most of us actually know very little about them.

This lack of knowledge can be especially dangerous for pet owners who not only want to keep their loved animals clean and healthy, but also prevent any cross-infections or infestations of the house. And if you’re trying to get rid of a full-blown flea infestation – knowing how they work is key to getting rid of them for good.

Read on for must know flea facts that’ll help you defeat these buggers!

Can you see fleas?

Fleas are pretty tiny. How big are fleas? They usually measure around 1 to 3 mm in length, with the females being bigger than the males – while a female flea can be larger than 2 mm, the average male flea can be less than 1 mm long.

Their tiny size makes them difficult to spot but they are visible to the naked eye, as you can see from the pictures…

can you see fleascan you see fleas

That being said, it’s really difficult to notice individual fleas. Most often, you won’t notice you have a flea problem until it’s already infestation, at which point you’ll be able to see multiple fleas hopping around your pets or your house.

What do fleas look like?

Fleas look like tiny black specks with thin and flat bodies that make it easy for them to move through your pet’s hair. But there’s no point in describing them when pictures say a thousand words…

what do fleas look likewhat do fleas look like

Check out the article below to see – in great detail – exactly what fleas look like in every life cycle.

>>>What Do Fleas Look Like? 50 Pictures of Fleas and Flea Bites

Where do fleas come from?

Oh so many places. The most common source of fleas is your beloved pet(s). If your cat or dog has been hanging around outside, there are a lot of potential places they could’ve picked up fleas. Fleas thrive in moist, shady and cool places which could be many spots that your pet likes to hang out in.

But while it’s rarer, it’s also possible to get fleas without pets.

>>>Got Fleas Without Pets? Here’s Why and What to Do About It

Wildlife can also bring fleas into your yard, making it easy for your pet to pick them up – watch out for raccoons, squirrels, rodents and feral cats as they can all carry fleas into you yard.

Once the fleas are inside, they can make themselves at home pretty much anywhere, including on your pets, in your carpet or on your furniture.

Where do fleas live?

Fleas live on bodies. It sounds like the stuff of horror films, but adult, fully grown fleas require a ‘host’ body in order to lay their eggs – an adult flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day!

Just about any warm-blooded creature will do the trick – although the ideal hosts for flea eggs tend to be cats and dogs (due to their thicker fur).

But don’t worry – Rover and Whiskers aren’t walking around with flea eggs all over them. You see, flea eggs aren’t sticky so after the female flea lays her eggs on the host, the little eggs drop onto the carpet, your pet’s bed, your bed, and anywhere else they happen to fall off.

>>>Flea Eggs: The Most Crucial Battle in the War on Fleas

Which is precisely why flea eggs make up the vast majority of any flea infestation. You’ll never be rid of fleas until you take the fight to the eggs.

What do fleas eat?

There’s no nice way to put this: fleas feed on the blood of the host. Yup, not only do fleas use the host’s body as an ideal breeding ground, but it also supplies their meals. The little beasties actually drink the blood of their host animal to survive – some can even go over 100 days without having a meal at all!

And when they drink – they drink a lot. The female flea consumes up to 15 times her own body weight in blood daily, which isn’t too surprising consider she’s eating for 50 of her babies. 

Do fleas bite humans?

Fleas aren’t the pickiest eaters so yes, they’ll bite humans for their blood. This is actually one common sign that you have a blood infestation on your hands since flea bites are extremely itchy and you’ll tend to have them around your feet and ankles.

Do fleas live on humans?

The whole question of “can people get fleas” is a pretty commonly asked one. The answer is that yes, people can get fleas although it’s pretty unlikely. There are over 2,000 species of fleas and only one species lives on the blood of humans.  In general, fleas prefer to live on fur-laden pets…the downside is that if something happens to their pet hosts, they may move on to the next best thing – you.

That being said, it’s much more difficult for a flea to live on us non-furry humans so you don’t have to worry too much about that. It’s much more likely fleas will bite you but not actually live on you. Plus, it’s pretty easy to get rid of fleas on humans.

Can fleas live in human hair?

If fleas like furriness, can’t they live in human hair? Yes, fleas can live in human hair or simply use your hair as a temporary mobile home to hitch a ride on until they get to another warm-blooded species whose blood it prefers, i.e. dogs or cats.

Fleas have a strange lifecycle

A flea isn’t suddenly born with its iconic jumping legs and a thirst for your cat’s blood. The flea life cycle begins when an adult female flea has a blood meal – blood is necessary for fleas to reproduce – and lays a bunch of eggs on a host’s body. There four stages of life for the insects: egg, larva, pupae and fully-fledged adult.

The egg and larva stage are fairly self-explanatory, however the pupae section is where things get interesting – and difficult for the person who’s trying to get rid of them.

The pupae stage is, essentially, a sort of middle ground between the larva and the fully adult flea – the front mandibles have formed, but the back legs (used for jumping between hosts) have not. Indeed, a pupae stage flea can remain in this state for months on end until they find a suitable host, or the environment around them is appropriate for maturing into a full adult.

To make it even worse, during the pupae stage, fleas are wrapped up in a silken cocoon that’s resistant to insecticides and often spun around the base of the fabric fibers they’re on – they can be very difficult to kill or remove.

How long do fleas live?

The average flea lifespan is usually 2 to 3 months. With a plentiful food supply, a flea can last for around 100 days! The good news is that female fleas can’t lay eggs until they’ve had their first blood meal.

How long can fleas live without a host?

As you already know, an adult flea usually lasts only 2 to 3 months. But without a host, they won’t last long. They’re at their most vulnerable when the flea emerges from its pupa as it only has about one week to find a blood meal – aka, host – otherwise, it will die.

Getting rid of fleas can be a pain

As a result of the lifecycle signposted above, it can be especially difficult to get rid of the little suckers. Different methods of killing them are required for each part of the life cycle (something you use for flea larvae is unlikely to kill off any remaining pupa-stage fleas, for example).

To fully eradicate a flea problem, with your pets, you’ll need a multi-faceted treatment plan that kills eggs, larvae, pupae, and the adult fleas.

How do fleas reproduce?

Fleas breed like crazy.

It’s thought that a female flea can lay over 2,000 eggs within the course of her lifetime (although, interestingly, it can’t do so until it’s had its first blood meal). Bear in mind that the average life-time is around 3 months.

Although the eggs are laid on the host itself, they often fall off, which can lead to the infestation spreading throughout the environment – read: your home.

Even worse? The fleas that you actually see jumping and biting represent only a small part of a flea infestation – flea eggs make up around 50 percent of an infestation in a home while flea larvae and pupae make up 45 percent of a flea infestation.

That means the adult fleas you actually see are only 5 percent of the flea infestation. This is probably one of the most disturbing flea facts on this list.

Fleas like to share the love

Fleas are historically known for spreading the bubonic plague, and can also transmit a wealth of other diseases and health issues: murine typhus to humans, transfer tapeworms, cause anaemia in animals and, simply, cause very annoying itchy lumps around their bites.

Do fleas fly?

It’s easy to think that fleas can fly since they jump so high, it looks like they’re flying. But no, fleas cannot fly. They’re wingless and incapable of flight.

What they are ridiculously good at is jumping…

How far can a flea jump?

Fleas are the Olympic jumpers of the insect world, capable of jumping up to 7 inches (18 cm) vertically and up to 13 inches (33 cm) horizontally – that’s around 100 times their own height and length, which is like a human being able to jump over 300 meters!

This is how they manage to switch hosts with such relative ease (given that, although they are insects, they have no wings). As well as the reason why when you treat for fleas – you must do it absolutely everywhere. Otherwise, they’ll just jump back on you or your pet when you walk past the couch.

Can fleas kill dogs or cats?

Fleas aren’t just an annoying, itchy nuisance – they can cause serious harm to pets. There have been cases where fleas actually killed puppies and dogs who were already weak and vulnerable from other health issues.

Fleas are also number one cause of skin disease in pets, which can cause a wide array of problems from simple itchiness to weeping sores.

To top it all off, fleas can transmit tapeworm to dogs and cats and if your pet is allergic to flea bites – well, just one bite can set off terrible reactions.

Make sure you take the steps necessary to prevent your pets from fleas and inspect their fur regularly for any signs. The most common sign of a flea infestation is itchiness around their bite areas (although larvae and some health conditions transmitted by the flea can also cause skin irritation) – if your cat or dog is recently scratching themselves more than you’d expect, then you may already have a problem.

Fleas have adapted to survive

Although they’re small – nearly undetectable at times – fleas have hardy little shells which make it difficult to crush them. Additionally, they’ve adapted to harsh conditions in their environment, meaning nobody is safe from the threat.

To cheer you up, here’s one of the happiest flea facts: They might be tough, but they still have to eat. If a newly mature flea doesn’t find an appropriate host or have a blood meal within a week, they will likely die off.

Seal up any unwanted openings

Fleas are much, much easier to prevent than eliminate so if you have pets or a potential rodent situation, begin your flea control before you see fleas.

Apart from pets, one of the other major sources of home infestation is through foreign bodies, such as rodents finding their way into the house, or gaps in the flooring providing ideal locations for eggs to hatch.

So seal up any cracks, openings or gaps in walls, doors, windows, flooring etc. this will help to keep things like infested rodents at bay, and lower your chances of an infestation in the first place.

92 thoughts on “19 Shocking Flea Facts You Need to Know to Defeat Them”

    • Shower 2 to 3 x daily and deep clean your house and everything in it. Problem may continue for 2 to 3 months, you can call in a professional but even that wont spread up the process since the flea has 4 life cycles it must complete.

      • You can kill a flea before it reaches the next lifecycle. It just needs to be done the right way and with the right products. 🙂

  1. What about fleas that hatch from under human skin? I watched as a worm like creature travelled under my skin. Up my face and to my forhead. I felt a poke. Then this tiny needle like thing poked through and a second later this black bug popped out. After later investigation it turned out to be a flea. I still have it stuck to a price of tape. As well as to worm like creatures that came out of my nostrils the next day.

      • There actually is a flea, it’s called the human flea that does burrow under human skin. It’s much more likely to experience scabies is something burrows under ones skin. If this flea, worm creature that , well you read the comment, if that did in fact happen… without more facts I’d have to assume that the victim of that atrocity had to have either been writing from a 3rd world country or had been to one shortly before the occurrence he reports .

    • No fleas can live under the human skin they have to have oxygen to live. They cannot inject an egg under your skin it takes it a long time to hatch out into larvae. The larva then turns into a pupa The larva spins a cocoon and then enters into it and closes it up and four to six weeks later the pupa becomes the adult biting flea and impossible 2 live under your skin. I’ve been killing these things for 36 years as a certified pest control operator absolutely impossible to live under your skin.

      • Hi Irish lad, I was wondering if you could help me. I realized 5 weeks ago tomorrow that I have fleas in my house. I have 3 indoor cats, I vacuum every day, treated the cats, many times, sprayed the couches, washed everything, and even paid an exterminator to spray, twice. He is due back on Nov 29 for 3rd time. I have been flea combing the cats 2x daily since it started and some day i don’t find any but today i found 1 flea in 2 different cats. I feel very frustrated because I feel like I have done so much and the problem is still present. Am I doing something wrong? Do I just need to be patient? I am truly at the end of my rope here mentally. Hope you can shed some light on my problem. Thanks Jenny

        • This has been our experience as well. We are going on 2.5 months now and little luck. I’ve read countless articles now and it seems that the problem of fleas can last years for some – this happens when there is a house infestation, not just a pet infestation.

          We first noticed bites on our son, then realized that our two exclusively indoor cats had fleas. The cats were immediately treated with Bravecto (recommended treatment by the vet) and the house sprayed by us with Zodiac Premise purchased at Walmart. We left the house for 2 days after spraying. The cats seemed to improve with Bravecto, but we didn’t vacuum EVERY day after the spraying and this is when I believe the house infestation took hold, despite constantly doing laundry and vacuuming weekly.

          The house was professionally sprayed again nearly two weeks ago and we have now quarantined the cats to a room off the garage. We are vacuuming the entire house everyday (only two rooms have carpet, rest is hardwood) using two irobot roomba vacuums and finding an average of 3-8 fleas per day. Since moving the cats to the separate space, my son has no new bites and we are going to re-treat the cats, have them sheared so that we can detect fleas and bathe them regularly. We will have the house re-sprayed in another week, the cats re-treated and continue with vacuuming. The cats will return to the house once we have eliminated the house infestation. We are throwing out the carpeted cat tree and have removed all area rugs from the house. Fingers crossed it works this time! I’ll report back in another month.

          • I believe that your frustration is real. we too discovered flea infestation and cannot get rid of them. It almost seem unreal, as if the adult fleas are popping up from some astral dimension, out of nowhere. The vet advised treating all animals and area at the same time with chemicals that have PRECOR IGR. IGR is standing for Insect Growth Regulator. That chemical has property to stunt growth of the eggs and larvae for 30 days. So that means that it has to be applied monthly. For larvae – SIPHOTROL, for eggs – OVITROL PLUS. For animals – all chemicals that have PRECOR IGR. All at the same time, every month.

          • How’s your situation going?
            I’m suffering from the fleas since May with no pets. I tried a spray all over the carpet area and bed and the fleas were gone for a while but I started getting bitten AGAIN. It’s just nightmare…
            Somebody please help me

          • I just recently found my basement is infested with fleas. I have 3 cats that I treat with frontline and only one cat that goes in the basement but I share the basement with my neighbors. Its split but fleas managed to finally get on my side. My washer and dryer are down there so I went down the other day and had them all over my ankles when I came up. I immediately went to the store and bought raid foggers for fleas other bugs too but works on fleas. I bought a raid spray for around my house. Thank god they haven’t gotten up here and I’ve caught it in time. I’m hoping not letting my cat down there they won’t have anything to eat and will dye faster but than again with my cat being treated if they bit him they die anyway. Another great thing I bought was dimatatious earth which is natural can’t hurt animals or people but fleas touch it it dehydrates them from the inside out. So since its my basements its easier I just spread a bag all over the place. You can also put it directly on your cats fur and rub it in. Its only been 3 days and I have to do laundry still getting them on my legs when I run down but not as many. Bought another box of 3 foggers to do in a few more days. Problem is I told my neighbor she hasn’t done anything so unless I plan on buying it for her side as well this is all for nothing. So frustrating. She has 3 cats 3 dogs that she doesn’t treat foe fleas. I’ve lived here 7 years and never been a problem till now and shes been here 10 months. I told my landlord she said nothing. I will move if its not resolved within the next few months because they’ll eventually get upstairs and I’m not dealing with that. I have 4 kids luckily noones been bit. Sorry rant over
            Try the foggers or dimatatious earth.

          • Diatomaceous Earth is natural, but its carcinogenic to people and pets. Never use it as a dry powder where it could be inhaled, it is very damaging to your lungs. Its only safe to use when wet. Don’t use it where pets or children can access it.

          • Fleas are a nightmare and I wouldnt wish them on anyone. Fleas dont discriminate. High income, highly educated, extremely clean people can have a flea infestation. Some people dont understand the difficulty others have because they just dont seem to have the chemical makeup that fleas are attracted to. It’s best to ignore them. And if you are unfortunate to be desired by fleas, life isn’t going to be easy for quite a while. I wish I could wave a wand and make all fleas disappear. They are the most adaptive, evolving and frightening creature.

            Pets: If you have pets, dont remove them from the house. You will become the only source of food. I did this once and that is when my nightmare began. You need to treat your pets, but it is so important to follow directions. Most medications require to be given with food. I have found it best to wait 15 minutes after they eat. No longer than 20. Many medications arent effective if you dont follow this rule. Credelio works for us. I have used many others that dont. Capstar is a quick knockdown method on your pet, but not an ongoing treatment. If you give your pet capstar, start your regular treatment well before the 24 hour coverage capstar gives. Also give your pet a good bath and make sure to clean the armpits and toes thoroughly.

            You: I know this is hard, but if you are getting bites on your shoulders, neck, face, upper arms, and head, they are living in your hair. Many people say they dont but I can say with certainty they do. I figured this out when I could not escape them no matter where I went with nothing else but my person and a brand new set of clothes. I tried to make sense of bites and the feeling of them bouncing off me and figured out they were in my hair. With long thick hair, I couldnt get them all out for months. Finally I got out the scissors. It’s best to cut your hair as short as you can. Fleas not only like the hair on your head, I suggest thoroughly shaving all body hair especially pubic hair. If you dont think this is possible, ask the tech who gave me a bikini wax and had to leave the room in mid session from the horror. You need to shower daily using a fine toothed flea comb. The cheap plastic ones work best. Make sure to comb in the shower so everything goes down the drain. Scrub all of your crevices really well and make sure to soap and wash every inch of your body. Shower as soon as you get up to remove fleas and eggs from the night and again when you return home to avoid carrying any back in. Throw your pjs and clothes immediately into the wash too. Calamine spray is a good friend.

            The rest: Fleas are nocturnal so most of their feeding is while you are sleeping. Every morning put your bedding through the wash. Make sure to fold up the sides of your sheets to avoid spilling eggs on the floor. Wash everything on hot water and dry on high heat. You may find it necessary to throw away your mattress.

            It’s really important to vacuum daily and discard the bag. Empty bagless vacuums outdoors into a grocery bag and quickly tie it up. You can also put flea powder, a moth ball, or flea collar in your vacuum. These are pesticides and are dangerous so be careful and choose the safest method for your pet and you with the type of vacuum you use. Vacuum like a maniac. Vacuum under everything and on top of everything. If you have carpets, shampoo them.

            Steamers are another great method of killing fleas.

            Immediately start washing ALL of your clothes, linens, and curtains. Wash with hot water and high heat. If your fabrics cant take it, you may ask how important it is to you. Fleas love clothes. Wash them all again every few weeks. Dont hang clothes on the lower rod of your closet. Hang everything as high as you can.

            Spray an igr and the sooner the better. Spray adulticide weekly. You may want to hire a professional to help with this.

            If you or your pet spend a lot of time on the sofa, there is a good chance eggs have fallen on it. Even leather couches can have fleas. The underside of cushions is fabric and a great spot for fleas to have easy access to their victims.

            Also, flea larva does crawl into cabinets. You should take everything out and clean and spray. Eliminate clutter that gives them a place to hide and avoid pesticides. They can end up in places you’d never dream of. A professional told me they dont get into cabinets, but trust me, I have seen it first hand.

            Dont forget to clean and spray your car and to treat your yard.

            I made the mistake of putting a lot of things in containers in storage during the height of the infestation. 5 months after the nightmare was over, I removed the things from storage and the nightmare started over again. Eggs, larva, or pupea must have gotten in the containers. Beware and dont make the same mistake.

            The cycle just seems to go on repeatedly getting better, worse, better, worse. It is really hard if you are a host to stop the cycle. Other things you can try is getting ivermectin or permitherin cream from your dr. It wasn’t very effective for me, but I know how desperate you become through this traumatic time. I have read articles they are working on human flea meds for 3rd world countries. I just hope they make it available for our population as well. Maybe we should all write letters to the cdc so they know there is a problem here.

            Just remember you are killing them. They just continue to emerge. Eventually they will go away if you are persistent. I know you’ll want to give up at times, but dont let them win.

            Good luck. I pray for you to have control soon.

          • My story is similar to Lynns. I have fighting fleas for over a year now. I have spent many $1000s on insecticide, exterminators, protective clothing, bug nets, dermatologists, and trips to try to escape and I am slowly winning the battle, but they advantage of any mistake. Exterminators were of zero value – I hired the best ones available in my area. Oh yeah I spent small fortune on vacuum technology all sorts. The fleas spread to my car and office. They are not just nocturnal though they can be a bit active at night. I wear a full body suit with double bug nets to bed every night (pvc riding boots up to my knees covered with a double layer of full spandex suit, a hat, and double waist lenght bugs nets covering my head with a tight belt around them). During the day I wear 7mm diving boots taped to my skin the duct tape(I still bites above where the boots end but much much less). The fully mature fleas are able to poke me through these layers I wear, but because of the thickness they cant feed much. The IGRs limit most of the eggs, but somehow they have survived months and months of spraying with every type of IGR. Still the IGRs are one of the best weapons. The other great weapon is boiling all clothing in 15 gallon pot (with the clothing and shoes wrapped in double or triple layers of plastic bags). I find I need to boil for lengthy period to ensure certain death. I have found that most adult fleas can survive many days in a -10 F freezer!

          • Thank you so much for writing this and being so detailed. Did you ever have problems in your car or at work during this time and how did you know they were fleas?

          • What I can say as far as my bed I sprinkled baking soda on the mattress and rubbed it in, around on the sides of mattress I used Home Defense I put clean sheets and clean blankets on bed weekly and not getting bit while in bed. My bedroom has tile so I use Home Defense that kills all kinds of bugs including fleas.

          • Curious now that you are nine months past – how is it now? We had a major infestation from a raccoon that was in our attic … we’ve had our house professionally sprayed three times, and now they are going to bomb the attic. We’ve been out of our house for weeks trying to get rid of it!

          • There is a hormone you can buy. It’s called I. G. Regulator it comes in a one oz bottle. Costs about ten bucks. Mix it with a gallon of water and use (low pressure) a sprayer (I used a squirt bottle because pressure neutralizes it) and spray EVERYTHING. It’s safe for you and pets but terror for fleas. It stops them from maturing and they die off. It doesn’t do anything for the adults but treating your pets will take care of that if you give them something that lasts a month like those pills do.
            The regulator lasts for seven months. It is awesome. I have an idiot for a dog and she loves to bring them in our house.

            When I notice them, I give my dog and three cats a treatment and get to spraying the regulator. Under furniture. Between cushions. Bed, linens, closets, everything. After about two days there are no more fleas.
            You get it at your local lawn and garden center or tractor supply. That’s where I get mine. Works like a charm

          • You have scared me! My cat had a flea infestation and I’m doing everything you are doing. Now I’m so afraid they are still here. I use the flea comb on my cat and there is white stuff on her,, looks like dandruff, is that what it is? Or is it related to fleas?

          • I have also tried everything. My cat hasn't been coming home a lot either mainly at night for a quick meal. I'm really considering re homing him as I have to yet again replace carpets, mattresses in my house as well as some furniture & new bedding. Pets are too expensive & I have had enough of all their little lodgers for a lifetime

        • I fought like hell against having to buy Seresto collars for my 2 cats, these collars were $53.00 EACH, but … worth every penny. 2 days later and I’m combing out dead fleas. House care is essential also, but these collars are truly the best 1st defense.

        • Hi Je, I can’t help you now but please let me know if you find the solution. I am in the exact situation as you. I clean, vacuum, use the “best” flea preventative on my 3 cats and just when I think I’ve conquered the beasts, I find more! Sorry for your situation ☹

        • Hi Jenny, I’m guessing you still have cats so I’ll share some important things I’ve learned over the yrs w different cages having fleas. Basically, the problem/challenge to getting rid of them is the 4 stage life cycle, in which the live fleas you see represent only 5% of the actual infestation. so even after hose nite your cat and die b/c they are treated, they may have laid eggs at some point before you treated, or even bit you if you snuggle w your cat a lot or they sleep in your bed, and then laid eggs from that blood (they need to feed once before laying eggs). So then those eggs can turn into larvae & then the larvae into he pupae and then that into an adult felt again, looking for blood, if you happen to have lapsed a tiny bit in animal flea treatment and they bit e and dobnlt die then they okay their 500 eggs that night (yes 500 per night!) then that’s 500 more chances for an adult flea. Fastest solution, but expensive: get a professional steam cleaner, which blasts searing heat so hot it kills alls stages including the eggs. then if you sweep and vacuum well after you pick all those up. but before you do you see the dead eggs, larvae, pupae adult fleas more b/c they crawl out cracks, carpet hairs, etc while dying, I got the top of the line McCollough for approx $300 & that was a lot for me but its perhaps the best money I;’ve ever spent b/c it was so satisfying to see the dead corpses in places I didn’t expect but that are hard to clean b/c they’re fabric, like the couch and yes, even the bed mattress, b/c our cats sleep on the bed! it was gross but so good to know they were all dead, all stages. The other thing that works VERY well too but is more of a commitment to changing your home top for a bit is to douse everything with diamataceous earth (it’s a powder that isn’t toxic to humans but not the greatest to breathe in even for us but worse for smaller pets so I tried to do diff rooms at time for my cat since she was right on floor). The commitment part is you should leave it for three days, then vacuum to stimulate any unhatched eggs to hatch (the vibrations, as well as heat, stimulate eggs to hatch), then douse AGAIN and leave for 3 days, Sounds weird & you can google for a better explanation but that’s basically the way to break the whole cycle, which is what the whole key to getting rid of them is about. Hope this helps!

        • I usually use foggers for my entire house (bug bomb),it takes care of fleas, roaches, spiders and their eggs. You can purchase them anywhere like Walmart or Home Depot, they come individually or box of 3 or 6. Brand names are Hot Shot, Raid or Fleatrol (Pet Store). You can also spray your yard and with Cutter Backyard Bug Control .

        • Hi Je I just wanted to mention that if you spray your house and cat’s with rubbing alcohol it will get rid of fleas and bugs from your house. It’s a remedy my dad used when we got bed bugs one time. He used two bottles and sprayed everything in the house and they were gone the next day. At least once a week I spray my house and it keeps the bugs away. I always stock up on rubbing alcohol just in case the price goes up. Try it. You’ll be glad you did.

        • I have found after trying everything that white vinegar did the best.If you don’t mind the smell spray everywhere and everything .

        • Get flea treatments for your pets. Their vet can recommend the best options(the good ones are usually pretty pricey though), get a vacuum that has bags so you can throw them away Everytime you vacuum. Just vacuuming won’t kill them, you have to remove them from the chance to live and reproduce. The bags you can seal up and throw away to prevent them from just jumping back out… If you have a container that comes off to empty in the trash they can get back out as they may not be dead just from sucking them up. Get household treatments and use them as directed for the best results.

        • Try to keep your cats in one room, preferably with no carpeting or furniture to jump upon. Sprinkle plenty of salt over carpets and hoover 12 hours later. It dehydrates the fleas. Continued to do for 4 days then twice a week. Hoover and mop all vinyl or wooden floors Daily with magic mop and lemon wipes. They don’t like citrus smells. (Or, Boil sliced lemons, Cool in fridge overnight and transfer into spray bottle) It’s worked for me so far

      • OH THANK GOD!! That seriously freaked me out! What the hell kind of bug does that man have going under his skin and in his nose? Do u know?!

      • Apparently Linda must not have pets in her home. No hallucinogenic needed. Research and education and experience. Fleas are sneaky and can live in human hair. Period. These creatures have evolved and have grown quite resistant to insecticides. Ky…treat your head and body daily. The eggs can also hatch in your hair and may take a number of shampoo washing. To get out. Using a forceful water spray and combing while spraying head works great. Vacuum every day. Including bed. Wash all animal toys and environment. Must vacuum floors and carpet for a month for bad investation. There is more than one type that love human hair. If you sleep with animals that are untreated, flea’s will definately get to you. I dont think they are picky when hungry. Comments sense. One type only my ass…

    • The one that came out from UNDER your skin was more likely the scabies mite, and not a flea. Fleas do NOT burrow under skin.

    • Anthony, it sounds like you have some serious cleanliness problems. Why arent you more worried about the worm like thing crawling under your skin? Thats just nasty. Melissa must be correct, do you live in a 3rd world country or have you visited 1 recently? I cant get over that you just watched a worm crawl for that long of a time under your skin. Why havnt you gone to see a doctor…especially if they are coming out of your nose….GROSS MAN

    • this is happening to me right now. I live in Washington state near seattle. We definitely have fleas but I think there are also other bugs that look similar to flea larva and they are in all of my clothes, my bed my carpet everywhere. They burrow into my shoes and then into my feet and sometimes my arms. Its like a nightmare or a horror movie. I am very stressed out about this and dont know what to do.

    • Oh my dear! Poor you! I recommend, highly recommend you see a MD as soon as possible to receive care for this. You likely need to take a tablet to kill them inside you body. Take your taped bug along to the appointment.

  2. Please tell me what to do my cat loves the outside yet she is inside at night time. I know we are infested with fleas bad! I’ve been giving my cat a bath and spray her, she even wares a flea collar . Sigh… it’s killing me!

    • Decide. In or Out? Next keep it that way. Hire an exterminator and clean your house. See a Dr. And take kitty to a DVM. ASAP

  3. Linda must not have pets. Most likely, she lives in a bubble. Ky…follow cleaning tips for body, hair, and home ( many tips online) repeat everyday for at least a month with the exception of insecticides. Use safe methods. Salt and vinegar works well. VACUUMING is very important to do every day. You first must get a very effective flea treatment for animals. Advantage works great. Flea’s are not picky. They will get in human hair if your pet sleeps with you untreated. Period. All types. Hang in there and research.

  4. HELP I AM TERRIFIED OF INSECTS i have fleas but i dont think its an infestation yet and i wanna know that if a doc that can remove fleas or it has to be a special kind and if i wash my stuffies would they get moldy from the water? Google is dumb so i searched it up and it disnt answer me im scared to even brush my hair WASH my hair and even sleep in my own room id like to take the couch but i dont wanna spread fleas until now only my mom knows i dont wanna tell my dad cause he’ll just… idk i just dont want him to be upset were goung on vacation in a few weeks and i really dont wanna give fleas to the rest of my family or ppl in the plane pls help me

    -a desperate and terrified of bugs 11 yr old

  5. Im 2 weeks into flea treating kitten and home …omg what a nightmare…bad infestation …products expensive too but what price for peace of mind …cat seems lot calmer …less active fleas in house …still ongoing though …think il be treating house every month now …once you get fleas in your home you never ever want them again !!!..

  6. Hi all.got a cat who had 5 kittens and noticed fleas 3 wks.they hadn’t been upstairs really,but the hall way and living room is a nightmare.we have flea traps with a bulb and sticky pads which work great.also treated the cats with johnsons 4 flea tablets which killed them over night and have recently used frontline spray in the house.two nights ago was terrible they were jumping all over us,I guess new eggs must have hatched.my question is how long does it take the fleas to die after inhaling the spray and how often should I spray.i wash the sofa cushions and bedding,Hoover everywhere and they are still here.im thinking of giving the cats a tablet In the morning and letting them wander round the house whilst we are out and hoping fleas will jump on them and die.gettilg very stressful now.there was a flea on my daughters face the other day and it’s getting draining and frustrating now

  7. I had a flea infestation in my hunting dogs pens,gave them all flea baths,cleaned pens real good and then I sprayed with a soap listerine solution.came back 7 days later with a giant home made flame thrower and covered every square inch of ground,and bingo fleas were wiped out.that was 6 months back and I am still flea free@

    • God I wish I could burn my whole house with a flame thrower and send these fleas back to the deepest darkest pits of hell that they spawned from.

      • I got fleas at my mom house and eggs keep traveling on me and shit bra I’m dying but I’m weak af at the comments and y’all gave me motivation cuz I was losing it

  8. Fairly informative, but still no real information on eliminating Fleas! One thing to NOT DO, is shampoo the carpets! You’ll such up plenty, but also create the perfect nesting spot! I did that in a bathroom once, many years ago and within 6 weeks, their numbers had tripled! I had to shampoo again, using insecticide!

  9. Mix Diatomacious earth with water , wet down carpets and furniture…Takes week or two but all maggots will die…ergo no fleas

  10. I really don’t have the strength to reply, although I’m going to try. ~ I appreciate this blog & all the effort put in from honest posters, … who I’m certain, are likewise exhausted, from their ‘flea experiences’.  

    I’m writing not for myself, … rather for a friend I’m trying to help, who developed a ‘flea pet + house infestation’, after adopting a kitten.  It’s a nightmare, beyond anything we’ve ever encountered, & it’s not over yet, infact, … although my friend has been diligently fighting fleas for months, … the up & down life cycle patterns of fleas, are incredibly defeating, as the entire situation appears to worsen, with each believed success. We continue trying, because we must.
    I will add now, that I believe fleas can slowly drain the life out of people & their pets, as well as potentially kill; animals, pets, & people, so I strongly advise, anyone who does not have fleas in their home, to think very strongly against adopting any pet at all, or at least, without first being absolutely positive beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the pet has NO fleas, & NO history of fleas. Please do NOT just solely believe the seller of the pet, as they may lie, deceive, or just be unaware, or outright NOT care, for the sake of MONEY. It would be most wise, to stay completely away from: Pet Store pets, Parking Lot Pets, &/or any breeder who will not Guarantee, in Writing, that they’ll cover All of your flea expenses, if the pet you adopt from them, turns out to have fleas, … because it’s extremely likely, that if you unwittingly bring fleas into your life & home, in 2019+, that you’ll encounter a financial+ nightmare, like you’ve never ever imagined. I can not forewarn enough!!!

    In addition, consider how in the world of illness, we now have ‘superbugs’, due to overuse of antibiotics, etc., … & from what I’m seeing & learning, about some insects, (fleas, etc.), which are exceptionally over populating in some areas of the USA, (& world, etc.), … the heavy + heavier, strong & stronger, use of insecticides, etc., has brought about flea infestations which are now incredibly resistant, resilient, able to survive the most diligent efforts of bug control. The financial, emotional, & physical cost to live through this scenario, is phenomenal.
    (NOTE: My friend adopted a kitten from a seller who brought it up from a southern state to a northern state. My friend was told by the seller, that the kitten was ‘without any pests’, (including fleas), & later, when my friend took his kitten to the Vet, a flea was found, & the Vet’s own words were, “I’ve Never before seen such a large flea”. We had No idea the nightmares which were to follow, as the fleas spread & took over my friends home & life).
    All the horror stories here in this blog are true, & many many more!!! (My friend has experienced infestations in the entire home per; pet, pet bedding, over 2000 sq ft /carpeting, linoleum, couch, chairs, bed/owner, cabinets, refrigerator, clothing, hair/owner, etc., etc., & regardless of vacuuming nearly daily, spraying repeatedly with the best carpet flea killing sprays & bomb-foggers x 9 cans at a time throughout the home, the infestation persists, … still some fleas manage to survive, & the infestation continues, re-blooms, & we’re running out of new things to try, though we must keep trying, … ~ it’s exceedingly discouraging, depressing, draining, & costly).

    Aside from all the helpful ideas posted in this blog, I will mention one addition thing which helps my friend ‘survive’ the nights, /a massive large home flea infestation, is the use of an aerosol mosquito + tick repellent spray, (sprayed all over the bed & body, from head to toe. ~ Note: any neglected or missed areas, are flea bit the following morning. Application to the face is done carefully, via a little spray on a tissue, then lightly applied to the face). As for fleas in my friends hair, though ‘unconventional’, (& not recommended), the ‘desperate’ quick use of the same spray used to kill fleas in their carpet, managed to rapidly kill fleas in my friends hair, followed by a good shampooing. ~ my friend’s next anticipated plan of survival, is the use of flea bot spray, sprayed on a small towel, & placed over their head, & even strongly considering a ‘shaved head’, … & possibly even having the kitten shaved as well??? ~Though the monthly anti-flea pills seem to be working for their kitten, so far. My friend is strongly wishing for a monthly anti-flea pill to become available, which is safe for human consumption). 

    Thanks to this informative blog, … I think the next plan of action for my friend to take, is the use of spraying a professional strength IGR, mixed with a professional strength insecticide, even though these chemicals are in the canned sprays which my friend has already been using repeatedly, our hope is that perhaps the professional strength, might work better, … (in combination with all other usual defenses previously mentioned above, as needed).           
    Thanks again, to all the people who took the time, to post to this blog, & share their very painful exhausting flea infestation survival experiences. If nothing else, it’s so helpful for my friend to know that they are not the only one who’s struggling to rid their home of these relentless resilient pests!            

  11. I really don’t have the strength to reply, although I’m going to try. I appreciate this blog & all the effort put in from honest posters, … who I’m certain, are likewise exhausted, from their ‘flea experiences’.  

    I’m writing not for myself, … rather for a friend I’m trying to help, who developed a ‘flea pet + house infestation’, after adopting a kitten.  It’s a nightmare, beyond anything we’ve ever encountered, & it’s not over yet, infact, … although my friend has been diligently fighting fleas for months, … the up & down life cycle patterns of fleas, are incredibly defeating, as the entire situation appears to worsen, with each believed success. We continue trying, because we must.
    I will add now, that I believe fleas can slowly drain the life out of people & their pets, as well as potentially kill; animals, pets, & people, so I strongly advise, anyone who does not have fleas in their home, to think very strongly against adopting any pet at all, or at least, without first being absolutely positive beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the pet has NO fleas, & NO history of fleas. Please do NOT just solely believe the seller of the pet, as they may lie, deceive, or just be unaware, or outright NOT care, for the sake of MONEY. It would be most wise, to stay completely away from: Pet Store pets, Parking Lot Pets, &/or any breeder who will not Guarantee, in Writing, that they’ll cover All of your flea expenses, if the pet you adopt from them, turns out to have fleas, … because it’s extremely likely, that if you unwittingly bring fleas into your life & home, in 2019+, that you’ll encounter a financial+ nightmare, like you’ve never ever imagined. I can not forewarn enough!!!

    In addition, consider how in the world of illness, we now have ‘superbugs’, due to overuse of antibiotics, etc., … & from what I’m seeing & learning, about some insects, (fleas, etc.), which are exceptionally over populating in some areas of the USA, (& world, etc.), … the heavy + heavier, strong & stronger, use of insecticides, etc., has brought about flea infestations which are now incredibly resistant, resilient, able to survive the most diligent efforts of bug control. The financial, emotional, & physical cost to live through this scenario, is phenomenal.
    (NOTE: My friend adopted a kitten from a seller who brought it up from a southern state to a northern state. My friend was told by the seller, that the kitten was ‘without any pests’, (including fleas), & later, when my friend took his kitten to the Vet, a flea was found, & the Vet’s own words were, “I’ve Never before seen such a large flea”. We had No idea the nightmares which were to follow, as the fleas spread & took over my friends home & life).
    All the horror stories here in this blog are true, & many many more!!! (My friend has experienced infestations in the entire home per; pet, pet bedding, over 2000 sq ft /carpeting, linoleum, couch, chairs, bed/owner, cabinets, refrigerator, clothing, hair/owner, etc., etc., & regardless of vacuuming nearly daily, spraying repeatedly with the best carpet flea killing sprays & bomb-foggers x 9 cans at a time throughout the home, the infestation persists, … still some fleas manage to survive, & the infestation continues, re-blooms, & we’re running out of new things to try, though we must keep trying, … ~ it’s exceedingly discouraging, depressing, draining, & costly).

    Aside from all the helpful ideas posted in this blog, I will mention one addition thing which helps my friend ‘survive’ the nights, /a massive large home flea infestation, is the use of an aerosol mosquito + tick repellent spray, (sprayed all over the bed & body, from head to toe. ~ Note: any neglected or missed areas, are flea bit the following morning. Application to the face is done carefully, via a little spray on a tissue, then lightly applied to the face). As for fleas in my friends hair, though ‘unconventional’, (& not recommended), the ‘desperate’ quick use of the same spray used to kill fleas in their carpet, managed to rapidly kill fleas in my friends hair, followed by a good shampooing. ~ my friend’s next anticipated plan of survival, is the use of flea bot spray, sprayed on a small towel, & placed over their head, & even strongly considering a ‘shaved head’, … & possibly even having the kitten shaved as well??? ~Though the monthly anti-flea pills seem to be working for their kitten, so far. My friend is strongly wishing for a monthly anti-flea pill to become available, which is safe for human consumption). 

    Thanks to this informative blog, … I think the next plan of action for my friend to take, is the use of spraying a professional strength IGR, mixed with a professional strength insecticide, even though these chemicals are in the canned sprays which my friend has already been using repeatedly, our hope is that perhaps the professional strength, might work better, … (in combination with all other usual defenses previously mentioned above, as needed).           
    Thanks again, to all the people who took the time, to post to this blog, & share their very painful exhausting flea infestation survival experiences. If nothing else, it’s so helpful for my friend to know that they are not the only one who’s struggling to rid their home of these relentless resilient pests!

  12. We have sprayed about every other wk and still have fleas. Only down stairs. We do have pets but we make sure we don’t have fleas. How do we get rid of them for good

  13. Hello, I have at least one of the human fleas living under the skin on my leg. I can feel it moving but can’t see it. Can you PLEASE tell me how to get rid of it?! Thank you. John Toohey

  14. I had a flea infestation in my last flat had it sprayed 3 times. Thought it was over; but when i moved they followed me . When I go near people they scratch. Can it be that I have fleas that are jumping on them? I see specks on my food . It’s awful, this happened to me over 20 years ago when I had my dog rehomed due to my marriage breaking up. Had them for over 18 months. I’m terrified that I’m never going to get rid of them.

  15. Look in your toilet. I know it sounds crazy but I have meticulously cleaned my house from head to toe, fogged four times and was still getting bit every time I went into my bathroom. The toilet bowl kept looking dirty despite my regular cleaning of it, that was when I realized I needed to wipe the under-outer edge underneath the rim below the toilet seat. Right where the toilet water runs out to refill the bowl is where those fleas were hiding and even dying leaving their flea dirt behind. That was how they escaped the foggers every time. Fleas love humidity so it makes sense, I have now shelled out money for a dehumidifier to dry out my house and once it gets to 40% on my humidity measure I will heat my house above 95 degrees to kill them off. It is just so difficult to keep it under 50% where I live. Please everyone, check your toilet bowl to see if I am right.

  16. I just moved into a mobile home and found that I have a mother and 5 feral kittens living under it,
    My sister and Her 2 kids are bit from head to toe, (sent kids to a relative)my sister and I are left to fight this terror, she is the feeding ground and I haven’t been bit once, I called humane society to pick them up and they said if they aren’t old enuff to spay n neuter they won’t come for them which I can tell by looking at them they are not. I am a huge lover of cats but they gotta go so I can solve this problem , anyone have any ideas. Help.

  17. I am going through this same problem I have no pets I spray with the Hot shot stuff you see in walmart and other stores I am getting ready to bomb which is a whole hell of a process and then you still have to do it agian in 2-3 week because of the eggs and larvae or whatever….I have read that sometimes bombing makes it worst….so should I or shouldnt I??

  18. go to sleep and put down the meth pipe. I promise the bugs will go away. Although be careful while you sleep that’s when the government comes through the key hole in your door wearing aluminum foil hats and probes your anus.

  19. Hi Can anyone please help me answer 1 question I’m pretty sure i might know the answer but still like know from others who might have experienced my issue any how my question is can fleas live in human scalp and bite leaving painful spots which hurts when touched? I would highly appreciate the help thanks

    • They can't live in your hair they can however bite your scalp. I had this Zac, my bite was also very sore. I've read that fleas can lay eggs on your head. Loh no I'm itching like mad now!. Try a plastic lice/flea comb & use tea tree shampoos & conditioner etc. Fleas hate the smell of lemon, lavender & eucalyptus by the way so any hair treatment with these can be a good repellant. Good luck.

  20. Wow, sounds just like ME! Now I don’t feel “So Alone”. I had the (exact situation). My Orkin guy I’ve had for 8yrs told me they were
    ” Springtails”, but those don’t bite! Fleas do! I was born one night, but it wasn’t last night. They don’t Bomb, they just spray a little here & there. I’ve spent a small fortune on products from Amazon, your advice was GR8LY APPC8TD, THN Udearly, not queerly‍♀

  21. To whoever said their cats “gotta go”. At the very least keep one and treat it. It can be used as “bait” so the fleas can bite it and die. Once you get rid of the animals they’re coming for you. Keep treating the dog/cat and protecting your fabrics with plastic, cleaning.. the basics until the problem is over

  22. Why can’t y’all just give your dogs Trifexis which kills fleas and eggs for 30 days and do this for 3 months and everything should be dead. Then never miss another dose.

  23. Since I have a flea problem is it ok to keep spraying my yard until it starts snowing. So I can kill the fleas & That are still alive

  24. An apt in my 6 unit building had just moved in, got a cat, and moved out (taking the cat), and within 3 weeks moved out. I was called a week after she moved out to get the unit turned around for another rental. I entered the unit and due to the power being off it was so hot and muggy. I was wearing shorts and felt little taps on my ankles KNOWING exactly what it was. I'm trying to figure out how the fleas got that bad in 3 weeks, with 1 kitten. I was able to rid the infestation by setting 2 bombs, entering two days later to thoroughly vacuum.The unit was 1000sq ft., 2 bedroom. Only carpet was the 2 bedroom and living room. The rest was tile floor.

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