Does your dog play a lot on hard surfaces, or do you frequently take them for walks when it is hot outside? If so, you may need extra care to protect your pup’s paws.
Some common dog paw pad injuries come from excessive chewing or licking, blisters, burns, or cuts and sores. Additionally, wear and tear can occur from vigorous play, causing injured paw pads. It will help if you protect your dog’s paws from becoming cracked and dry to avoid infections. You should also make sure their nails are not too long to prevent pain.
Check out this article if you want to know about dog paw pad injuries.
The paw pads protect the paws as your pup runs, walks, jumps, and even when they give you a celebratory high-five. The cushions protect the bones and joints from trauma. For a dog to move about comfortably, they need cushioning to help decrease the burden on the feet. The paw pads absorb shock, taking the strain off the joints.
Paw pads also serve another particular function: they protect your dog in weather extremes such as extreme cold. During winter, paws have particular tissue that keeps them from freezing and also helps to keep them warm. The paws also have unique circulation in their paws that warm the blood to keep paws at an average temperature. However, a dog’s paw pads can also become damaged in extreme cold, and investing in a good pair of winter booties is a wise idea.
Your dog’s paws are made of tough stuff, but many stressors can aggravate them. Paw injuries in dogs are common, and you need to know how to recognize the following symptoms to be able to help:
Cuts or sores are other common symptoms of paw pad injuries, as are redness and inflammation. Your dog may avoid walking on their paw pads due to pain or discomfort, and there may also be limping.
There are some problems that dogs can have with their paw pads. Allergies can cause injured paw pads, cuts if their toenails are too long, or other reasons. The following includes some of the ways paw pads can become damaged:
Dogs whose paws are excessively chewed up or licked ferociously are sometimes precipitated by allergies. If your canine is chewing or licking their paws constantly, they may become injured, which means they can be prone to secondary fungal or bacterial infections.
If your dog walks on the hot pavement on a sunny summer day, they may develop blisters or burns on their sensitive paws, which can be very painful. According to the SPCA, place your hand on the pavement for five seconds to test the safety of the pavement. If you cannot tolerate the heat, your dog may not be able to either.
You can also walk during cooler times during the day, like early in the morning or in the early evening, to help protect your dog’s precious paws. You can get special booties to prevent your dog’s paws from overheating and getting burned. Burns on your dog’s paw pads will look red, inflamed, and blistered.
Dry paw pads can be very frustrating because they are frequently caused by surface wear and tear, and your dog is constantly exposed to these elements. There are several explanations why your canine’s paw pads may be cracked and dried up:
Dry, cracked paw pads can be painful for your pet and may lead to infection. You can use Vaseline to help lubricate your dog’s paw pads. There is also a great dog product made by Vets Preferred called Paw Balm. It will protect your dog’s paws in extreme weather conditions.
Cuts and sores commonly affect a dog’s paws because pups always love to play. If your dog has cuts and sores on them, they can bleed, and it is painful for your dog. You need to protect your pup’s paws. Again, those adorable little booties can support and prevent their paws if your dog likes to get down and dirty. Not to mention, rocks and sticks can sometimes get stuck in the paws.
If your dog has long nails, they can be susceptible to chipping, tearing, and splitting, which can be quite painful for your pup. When your dog tries to walk on a paw pad with long toenails, it creates pressure on their foot and hurts them. Having nails that are too long can also result in damage to the tendons in your dog’s feet. If your pup is whining a lot when they walk on hard surfaces, it may be due to nails that are too long.
A yeast infection can cause a dog’s paws to become red and inflamed. You may also notice brown discharge around the nail beds. It can make the affected area extremely itchy, triggering incessant scratching by your dog. This could lead to an injury due to the scratching and licking. A dog’s paw pad will become irritated when microorganisms accumulate due to constant licking.
Most dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, exposed to parasites. This can lead to swelling and hair loss, as hookworm can get between your dog’s toes, triggering inflammation and pain. Ticks can also burrow or hide between your pup’s toes. If you see a tick on your dog, you must remove it immediately or have the vet remove it.
The most common cause of paw injury is normal wear and tear, such as after a long play session with your pup. You may notice limping or lameness, which can be caused by simply playing or running hard.
Your dog’s paw pads can be injured easily, even when you are simply playing with your pup. That is why it is important to take care of your pup’s paw pads. If you have any questions, or your dog has an injury on their paw pad, it is best to see a veterinarian.
For pets in the North Jersey region, Pet Check Urgent Care has locations in Sewell, NJ and Deptford, NJ. Visit us online to learn more!