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A couple of years ago, two cofounders of a tech venture walked into a meeting with the CEO of a Fortune 100 company who had agreed to invest $10 million with them. A week earlier, the parties had hammered out the investment amount and valuation, so the meeting was supposed to be celebratory more than anything else. When the cofounders entered the room, they were surprised to see a team of lawyers and bankers. The CEO was also there, but it soon became clear that he was not going to actively participate.
Mon job, mon dressing : Anne-Laure, experte-comptable
Chaque mois, notre chroniqueuse mode et société Charlotte Moreau interviewe une femme sur les codes vestimentaires de son métier, les enjeux d'image et d'aisance qui y sont liés. Aujourd'hui Anne-Laure, 37 ans, nous raconte comment elle a contourné le cliché du comptable ringard pour endosser un style pro et féminin.
Nine Effective Ways to Track Your Progress Toward a Goal - Influencive
Here are a few ways to make sure you’re headed in the right direction.
How To Become a Financial Planner: A Step-by-Step Guide
This step-by-step guide aims to provide essential steps one needs to take to embark on this rewarding career. Read on for a guide on how to become a financial planner.