Chinese wallpaper

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Design Inspiration. Planet Stencil Library.
Gold & blue Chinoiserie walls. Fabulous! I hope a customer does something similar with our Willow Pattern stencils
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Så hänger du bäst gardiner i ditt hem – 5 tips för att lyckas!
Artisan Finishes for Interior Design | SuperStrata | New York
A stunning mosaic and mural example by interior designer @Nicole Fuller . Believe it or not, the gorgeous design on the hearth is a platinum backed bespoke tile mosaic by Sicis. The walls behind are a hand-painted mural envisioned by designer @Nicole Fuller and executed by one of our SuperStrata artisans. - www.superstrataus... | See more of Nicole's portfolio at www.nicolefulleri...
Listen To Your Clients. They'll Tell You All About Vintage Wallpapers