Song Lyric Quotes

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for all the things my eyes have seen
I love this line. Cecilia and the Satellite.
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This print of John Mayers Heart of Life lyrics would make a beautiful addition to any wall! A classic black and white quote with a hint of
Don't say a word, just come over and lie here with me 'Cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see I want you so bad, I'll go back on the things I believe There I just said it, I'm scared you'll forget about me
Napster: The Music Service for Music Fans
"Say," John Mayer lyrics
Your Daily Source of Quotes
Completely love this song. Words can't describe how these words opened my eyes enlightenment to my situation
Sow Kindness.Gather Love.
John Mayer! LOVE THIS!!! Got heart!? Show IT and what you send out you shall at some point receive back. BUT FIRST... YOU HAVE TO Expect Nothing! - JC
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Led Zeppelin Thank You lyric Art Quote 11x14 by paperlovespen