How to clean EVERYTHING

36 Pins
How To Clean Your Dishwasher In 3 Easy Steps
How to get your dishwasher squeaky clean and fresh smelling! ( Our inspector told us about this one!)
How To Wash Yellow Pillows (Step-By-Step)
How To Wash and Whiten Yellowed Pillows!
Make Your Own Miracle Laundry Whitening Solution
Turn whites back to white whites. It's a laundry miracle!
Smelly Towels? This Is The One Easy Fix You Need To Try
A Simple Solution For Better Smelling, More Absorbent Towels
How to keep a toilet clean (much longer) -1/4 Cup of Baking Soda -1/2 Cup of Vinegar -2 Cups of Hot Water
How Often Do You Clean Your Makeup Brushes?
Tutorial on how & why to properly clean your makeup brushes. (a tablespoon of white vinegar in a cup of hot water, and a 20 minute soak, followed by a hot, then cold rinse and pat dry will do it. Disinfects, dissolves grease/makeup, leaves no film, and inexpensive.)
How to get the stink out of your workout clothes!
P.U.! Don’t you hate it when you pull out your favorite summer workout clothes and you pass out from the smell?! Don’t pitch them just yet…try this first! Step 1: Fill a si…
How To Get The Sweat Smell Out Of Clothes
Don't throw out those old smelly gym clothes. Check out how to get the sweat smell out of clothes. It is so easy and the smell stays gone.
Pinterest for the win
Get rid of dried in stains---2 Parts Peroxide, 1 part Dawn Dish Liquid and 1 part Baking Soda. Put on stain, scrub, let set for one hour and wash as usual....TAH-DAH--stain is gone.