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Enhance your Christmas tree in one minute with our waterfall string lights!
Enhance your Christmas tree in one minute with our waterfall string lights, create a stunning light show and make it more festive!!
251K views · 1.3K comments | Family Holiday Spinner Game 🧑‍🎄 | Family Holiday Spinner Game 🧑‍🎄 Dad and family spin to Christmas Trees, bells, presents, or hats and get some wonderful prizes. Great game for family... | By Peter B | What are you going to give Oh. I'm going to go in here. Right there. Okay, pick it up. Oh. $5, Let's go. $5, Go for it. Okay, spin the spinner. Where's it going to go? Pick the Christmas tree up. All your prizes a free hug. Very good prize. Spin it. I want one of these presents over here. Spin it. Spin it. Nobody's gotten a present or a bell. Come on. Spin it. Yay. Get a present. Okay. Which present are you going to pick? Right here. Okay, right there. You sure? Yeah. Okay, pick it. Oh. Oh, Christmas rollover. There you go. I can roll into my pal. There you go. Merry Christmas Ross. Alright, your turn and before you go, before you spin, underneath one of these, there is a special prize. Alright. So, there's a really special prize better than all the rest of the prizes underneath either hat, bell, present, or treat. Go for it. Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it. The special prize is underneath one of them. Presents. Okay, pick up the presents. I'm going to pick mine. This one. Oh, we can have it. Okay, go for it. Alright. What is this? It's shiny. I don't know what it is. To put that on. Put it on. Put it on. Come on. What does it look like ma'am? Put it on. Oh. Can I ski? Go. I like it. Okay, your turn, David. Go for it. Spin the spinner. Let's see. Uh they get a bell tree present. Bell. Hey, you got a bell. Wow. You predicted. Okay. Um. Pick one up. Pick up a bell. This one. That one. Okay. This is going to be the special prize. Oh. What is it? Looks like a little present. Damn. $5, $5, I like it. Okay. Whose turn? Whose turn? Your turn. Go for it. Golden prize. We get the gold. Get the special prize. Come on. Cash and prize. Oh. Oh you get a present. Okay. The presents are popular today. I'm going to go. Okay. Which one are you going to pick? I'm going to go with this one right here. Okay are you sure? Pick it off. Oh. Alright go for it. Which one do you think the special prize is under? Um I think it's under Santa. I was just going to say this one. You're just going to say hats? Okay well let's see. Go for it. Let's see. I'm going to go right here. Okay mix it up. Pick it up. Oh oh. Looks like something gum big red y'all never had it no huh super spicy okay hats that is alright okay go for it dad big spin it spin it spin it come on spin it where's it going to go come on special prize oh you get a hat as well alright remember one of these one of the hats could be the special prize okay or it could be a tree or a present or a bell but we'll see you get a hat right now I'll get a hat go for it here we go oh what's that a chocolate truffle. I'm getting all kinds of sweets today. There you go. Yeah, just what you don't need. Hey, Just kidding. Just kidding. Oh **** A hole in your stocking. Okay. Alright, your turn. Here we go. Go for it. Good morning. Spinning policy. Special prize. Special prize. Bell. Oh. Oh. I got a bell. It's right on the line but I think that counts in a bell. I think you get a bell. Okay, go for it. Go here. Oh, right there. Right there? Okay, this could be the special prize. Whoa. Underneath the bell, there's more bells, more bells. What is that? What is this? Open it up. Open it up. Oh, can I see what's inside? What? What do you get? Oh. Oh, what is, what is this? Oh my goodness. Bracelet. Bracelet. I like it. Nice. Wow. Now, you won't be able to sneak around the house. Look at the presents. Yeah, you can for presents. Okay, go for it. Okay, spin it David. Come on. Special prize. Bell. We got a bell. Yeah, I think that counts as a bell. Yep. Alright, which bell are you going to pick? A bell. There's four left. Okay, go feet. That one? Uh oh. There's nothing inside. Better luck next time. I hear it. You don't hear it? What is this boy express or something? Okay. Okay, spin it in. Go for it. Where's it going to go? Yeah, not really anybody has gotten trees. Okay. Double bell. Third time's a charm. Okay. I'm going to go right here. I'm going to go. Okay, right there. This could be the special prize. Oh **** There you go. See if you get some candy. What's your prize going to be? It's going to be a treat. It's a treat. Anyone you want. Get it. Okay, I think I'm going to go here. Right there? Alright, listen up. Santa's socks. There you go. Oh those are cute. I like that. Okay go for it. Santa's socks. Okay go for it. Come on. Where's Oh I have. Oh you get a hat. There's only two hats left. So if the hat is a special prize. Okay. You have a pretty high chance of getting it. Yeah. If the hat. If the special prize is underneath the hat. Chances are pretty hat. I'm going to go with this one. Alright. This one? Okay. Ready? Go for it. Lift it up. Fifty. Three. Oh. What? Oh no. It's my third chocolate treat of the day. Oh no. This is solid. He's going to turn into Santa pretty soon. So. Alright. Here we go. Okay. Whose turn is it? Uh Paul's. Paul. Oh it's Paul's turn? Where's Paul? Where's Paul? Yeah, we heard ya. Okay. Here you go. The bell's going to give it away. Spin it. Where's it going to go? Where you going to get it? Where you going to get it? There. There you go. Maybe there's some more bells underneath one of this. Okay, listen up. Here. Right there. Okay, this could be the special prize. Let's see. Mono. Oh, lots and lots of cash. That's a lot of money. How much is that? It's I hear it. Eight. 9. Wow. That's not bad. You can buy something. Look at that. Okay, your turn. Come on. Go for it. And by the way guys, I should say the special prize. It's not just like a little bit better than the other prize. Okay. It's a lot better. Okay. It's a really special prize. Alright. That you definitely want to get. Alright. One of these ones. I think that's what it is. Yeah. You want one of these? Okay. That was a bad spin. Oh. Oh. Looks like you got a present. Hey, that could be good. Special prize could be always good. Presents are always good. I agree. Alright, lift it up. Two in green. You going with that one? I like it. Oh. Let's see. It says Christmas Oreos. Christmas Oreos. Oh. Cocoa flavor. Hot cocoa flavor. Sounds good. Okay whose turn is it? My hair. Your turn here. I'm getting it here. I am getting the special prize. Okay how many are left? There's only six prizes left. Yeah. So one of these is the special prize. Alright. Only these three. If you get one in it and there's a special prize in it I don't understand what you're saying. Okay just just go to the math here. Here we go. Just go boy. I don't understand. Baby here we go. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Bell. Oh you got the last bell. So if the special prize is underneath the bell you're going to get it right here. Let's see what I'm thinking. Let's see. Oh. Oh it's not the special prize but it's pretty. It's an ornament. It's got one dollar. It's item. Here you go. Okay whose turn? What are you hoping for? There are no bells left. There's no bells left now. Okay which one are you hoping for? If you could pick. I'm hoping for a Christmas tree. It there's most of that. Just because there's the most of them. Yeah alright that's a good point. That's a good one. That was a good spin. That was a good spin. Oh I'm going to think I'm going to go here. Do it. What is that? What is that? A pet dispenser. But it looks like Santa Claus. That's great. Candy inside? Is there any K yet? Is there candy inside? Oh. Oh. Oh my goodness. It looks like something else. Oh. What? Oh my Oh, what is that? $10. $10. Congratulations. Oh my god. What are you going to buy with that tent? I'm going to buy some pez. You can buy some Alright go for it come on there's only four left four prizes left a tree oh you get a tree Try it. Okay, four prizes left. 25% chance. I'm nervous. Yeah, you have a 25% chance right now getting the special prize. I don't know ma'am but here we go. Alright, ready? Go for it. Go for it. Ping pong balls. Green and red. No it's not. The special prize. No it's not. No all you need is a ping pong table. Green and red. Eight Christmas. Okay your turn. One left in each of them. Except those. True. There are there's only one left in each of the sections. So you gotta just go for all of those. Come on. Alright. There you go. Oh you got that hat. It could be good. Alright. It could be good. This could be the special prize, alright? Let's see. I'm just going to ask you. Honestly, do you think it is? I hope it is. I hope it is. That's a good answer. It could be underneath the present or the tree but it also could be underneath the hat. Let's see. Lift it up. What? What is that? What is it? What is it? Oh, it says golden prize. Prize. Yes it's a prize. It looks like it's an envelope alright? Alright. This is the special prize. Let's go. And the special prize is some music trivia. Some Christmas music trivia. Okay. For some cash alright? There's a twenty, there's a fifty and there's 1 00. Yes. So this this is for some cash. Here you go. Oh man. Here is your first question. Come on. In Frosty the Snowman. What brings Frosty to life? In the song? It oh it's the magic hat. Right? Magic hat. We have two Congratulations. Alright your second question. And you guys can help them out if you're watching at home. Yeah. Your second question is in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer how many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh? Oh. Do you know this one? You kind of either know this one or you don't. Do you know the song Dasher? Um I don't know one either. Dasher Dasher and Dancer. You don't know him? Take a guess. Take a guess. Okay you get one guess. Take a guess. Like ten maybe or something? No that's not correct. Sorry. Alright you get this one but you have a chance at the last one. And guys if you're watching at home and you know the answer. How many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh in the song? Oh yes. Leave your answer in the comments below. I have a feeling some of you guys know. I think I know it. Okay. Here is your final question for $100. You still have a chance at 100 and you already won twenty. Here is your final question. What does Alvin want in the chipmunk song? So in the Christmas chipmunk song what does Alvin want? Like Alvin and the Chipmunks. Like Alvin and the Chipmunk. Which movie is it? Or It's in the first one. In the first one. Um what does he what's the gift that he wants? I want a oh. You know what? Hula hoop. A hula hoop. Good job. That was a tough Special prize winner. Merry Christmas. Okay our question for you watching at home. What is your favorite Christmas song? What's your favorite Christmas song? Leave your answers in the comments below and we'll get back to you in the comments. Bye.