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Lavendel richtig schneiden: Tipps für üppige Blütenpracht
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🐝 Build a Bee Bath 🐝
Bee baths are an incredible way to help out your summer garden and the local pollinators 🐝🐝 . . . #beinggreenissimple #simpleecology #zerowaste #sustainability #summergarden #bees #honeybee #savethebees #environmentalist #backyardgarden #gardeninghacks #beekeeping #insects #organic
Can you believe it’s the last day of February? From now until November you can find me in the garden. I am eager with anticipation and can’t wait to get back outside just doing…stuff! 🌸 I’ve got some big plans where we are overhauling a few beds and planting up the formal garden this year! That garden has a lot of deer so everything I plant will lean towards being deer resistant and if it’s not, will get heavily sprayed with deer repellent. 🌸 Are deer a problem in your garden too? Rutgers C...