
13 Pins
The ugly truth behind fast fashion giant H&M - CoaR
Marie Maurice reveals the ugly truth behind fast fashion giant H&M. Take a tour of the horrors behind the scenes of multibillion dollar fast fashion
Clothing Poverty: The Hidden World of Fast Fashion and Second-Hand Clothes, by Andrew Brooks
A wide-ranging examination of garment recycling should whet the appetite of readers for more research on the subject
When Clothing Labels Are a Matter of Life or Death
Five years after 1,134 people died in the Rana Plaza garment factory catastrophe, what’s changed?
Fashion Forward: Finery The Wardrobe Operating System
Fashion Forward: Finery The Wardrobe Operating System | #brooklyndecker #finery #yourfinery #fashion #style #clothing #outfits #outfitinspiration #blog #blogger #sustainablefashion