
34 Pins
How To Draft A Basic Bodice Block Pattern? -
Follow my tutorial and draft a basic bodice block (bodice sloper) based on your body measurements. Enter the measurements into the user-friendly calculator, which computes approximate fabric consumption for the bodice and includes the measurements you have taken (and also measurements, that need to be calculated) in the detailed step-by-step pattern drafting tutorial, which you can easily download as a pdf document into your computer.
Monday Morning Inspiration/Manipulating Darts
This may contain: a woman is using a sewing machine to sew on the fabric with her fingers
Sewing tutorial, clay creamy idea, handmade clothes , diy , idea
33 хорошие идеи нецелевого использования галстуков: Идеи и вдохновение в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров