the flyer for kpop fandom fest 2020 with colorful lines and stars on it

Kpop Fandom Fest 2020

Kpop Static is back with another daebak event that will surely electrify you! Mark your calendars because KPOP FANDOM FEST 2020 is happening this coming April 18 (3PM-6PM) -19 (12NN-7PM) at Megamall, Megatrade Hall 3 in partnership with Official_Hobbiworx and in collaboration with 12 FANCLUBS!!! Fanboys and Fangirls of all ages can join the fanclub activities and showcase their talent in the various talent competitions! Booths with lots and lots of Kpop merch await for you to splurge on!
Soleandrea Ocampo

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