Young Adult Ministry

55 Pins
18 Easy And Healthy Meal Recipes That Make Solo Dining Fun
Save these easy + healthy recipes for one to whip up a solo meal on any day of the week efficiently.
This is Laminin. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this molecule, Laminin is the protein that holds human beings together. Do you notice its shape? Isn't it amazing that God would think so far in the future, and make the very thing that makes us think of Jesus, make up and play a crucial role in how we are formed? God formed you to not only live as an image of Christ, but to never escape the fact that you are HIS! We are branded by the Cross! "He is before all things, and in him all th...
More to Be - StableMinded with Lisa Pulliam
More to Be - I love the resources & devos on this site!
College Ministry from Scratch: A Practical Guide to Start and Sustain a Successful College Ministry by Chuck Bomar,
8 Ways to Have An Amazing Youth/Young Adult Retreat!
8 Ways to Have an AMAZING Youth Group/Young Adult Retreat! (Especially helpful for youth group sizes under 30) #youthgroup #retreat #youthretreat
REAL Young Adult Ministry | A Message from Father Jason
REAL Young Adult Ministry - A Message from Father Jason talking about what keeps young adults practicing their faith
The Unexpected Things Millennials Want in Church - RELEVANT
A new study has a few surprises for those who think they've got Millennials and Church figured out.
From the Barna Group: We NEED to have honest conversations and ask our students WHY? More importantly, we need to LISTEN to their answers.
Advice for talking with young adults (and youth) at Coffee Hour