
180 Pins
Weihnachtliche Grüße von den Minions!
Schaut den exklusiven Minions-Kurzfilm vor RAUS AUS DEM TEICH | Jetzt im Kino. #universalpictures #illumination #weihnachten #familie #minions
Does a heart beat even in the darkness? Explore the essence of being with this minimalist video. A stark white heartbeat line pulsates against a black void,  accompanied by the raw rhythm of life itself. 60 seconds to contemplate existence, mortality, and the beauty of a single beat.
60Second Heart Rate Beating Cardio Line
Does a heart beat even in the darkness? Explore the essence of being with this minimalist video. A stark white heartbeat line pulsates against a black void, accompanied by the raw rhythm of life itself. 60 seconds to contemplate existence, mortality, and the beauty of a single beat.