
Images of Goddesses in various times and cultures
44 Pins
There is no such a thing as a ‟Blue Monday” if you live in magic! - Magical Recipes Online
In Norse theology, Freya the Goddess of Beauty and Magic, has all the cats under her sacred protection. Even her chariot is drawn by cats (lovely huh?).
Daily Histoire
According to Viking myth, the goddess Freyja introduced the art of seiðr (fate-magic, shamanism) and the art of conquering death to both humans and other gods alike. More
Rhiannon is the Celtic Goddess of the earth and fertility, of horses, birds, inspiration and the moon.
JoJaysonGoddessArt - Etsy
Hail The Crone Goddess. Blessed Be Her wisdom and protection always and honor her lessons however painful. Her abundance is copious and her love is everlasting. So Mote It Be )O(
Awakening the Sacred Feminine Initiation
Aoife - a fierce Scottish Warrior Goddess; She was called the Princess of the Isle of Shadow. She was a Celtic queen associated with Scotland.
Hydromancy: Elemental Divination with Water Magic - Magical Recipes Online
Circe by John William Waterhouse. Divination through the art of water scrying.
message of the day blog – Spiritblogger's Blog
Brigid; the Celtic Goddess of fire, poetry, healing ability, childbirth, and unity. She is largely associated with the home and hearth.
One Vibration
Celtic Goddess Cerridwen and her Staff with her cat always by her side and the Owl, always watching