I’ve left this snippet of code untouched in most of the checkers where I exchanged ConstraintParameterParser for ConstraintStatementParameterParser:
if ( array_key_exists( 'constraint_status', $constraintParameters ) ) { $parameters['constraint_status'] = $this->constraintParameterParser->parseSingleParameter( $constraintParameters['constraint_status'], true ); }
But $constraintParameterParser is now a ConstraintStatementParameterParser, which has no parseSingleParameter method! That’s fine in the tests and on the test systems, since we don’t have constraints with a constraint_status – but if we deploy this on Wikidata, it will blow up.
Since I don’t think T164254: Distinguish between non-mandatory and mandatory constraints will get done before the next deployment, I think the simplest (and most backportable) fix is to just remove those lines completely. They’re probably not useful for T164254 anyways – this information should be extracted in one central place, not copied into all of the checkers.