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<Break-fix> MediaWiki REST API (Search API) should resolve redirects
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Request Status: New Request
Request Type: break-fix

Request Title: MediaWiki REST API (Search API) should resolve redirects

Request Documentation

Document TypeRequired?Document/Link
Related PHAB TicketsYes
Product One PagerYes<add link here>
Product Requirements Document (PRD)Yes<add link here>
Product RoadmapYes<add link here>
Product Planning/Business CaseNo<add link here>
Product BriefNo<add link here>
Other LinksNo<add links here>

Event Timeline

2021-12-8 Steering Committee

  • speaking to team

Task has been estimated and ready to groom

DAbad renamed this task from MediaWiki REST API (Search API) should resolve redirects to <Break-fix> MediaWiki REST API (Search API) should resolve redirects.Dec 20 2021, 4:16 PM

Removing inactive task assignee.

DAbad claimed this task.
DAbad triaged this task as High priority.
DAbad moved this task from Ready/Groomed to Done on the Foundational Technology Requests board.
DAbad changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug Report".

This work has been completed by the API Platform team. See sub-task for more information.