Oodles of Doodles

30+ year old loser who draws monster dudes. Welcome to the AU nightmare.


Flight Rising FAQ Commission Status DEVIANTART A03


Luke and Vader AU
Luke’s pure force energy slowly heals Anakin/Vader during the AU. Unfortunately Anakin’s lungs will never be fully healed. He will get winded and have trouble breathing if he pushes himself too hard.
You would never know this though...

Luke and Vader AU

Luke’s pure force energy slowly heals Anakin/Vader during the AU. Unfortunately Anakin’s lungs will never be fully healed. He will get winded and have trouble breathing if he pushes himself too hard.

You would never know this though if he fought him. He pushes pass his disability with sheer bullheaded stubbornness. Oh, he can’t breath? Well he’s going to still do a triple backflip, kick your ass, and then promptly pass out after in style~

Honestly, the breathing problem doesn’t even compare to the absolute unbearable pain he lived through every day when he was in the suit. So Anakin isn’t bothered whatsoever by this development.

Luke however constantly worries and carries a small rebreather/inhaler for his father.

Had to draw some Nyanakin. The temptation was too strong.

Had to draw some Nyanakin. The temptation was too strong.


Ignore the outfit Anduin is wearing. I was trying to design a new outfit for him after his Arthas/Jailer phase but I don’t like it.
(・― ・)
Anyways, I like the idea that after becoming a shadow monster and beating up the Jailer and Sylvanus, Anduin...

Ignore the outfit Anduin is wearing. I was trying to design a new outfit for him after his Arthas/Jailer phase but I don’t like it.  

(・― ・)

Anyways, I like the idea that after becoming a shadow monster and beating up the Jailer and Sylvanus, Anduin tries to brush the whole series of traumatic events off and that it doesn’t bother him (it does). Pretending he can’t hear the shadows whisper dark secrets to him, or that he’s not this close to losing his shit if the Alliance and Horde can’t get their shit together.

He also feeling guilty as hell for liking the new powers he has. He knows he supposed to be the holy priest, the boy bathed in light, but the shadows allow him to vent his repressed frustrations in ways the light never could.

Anduin knows he sliding down a dangerous slope, but after everything thats happened to him, he’s not sure if he can get himself to stop.

This is basically how I want Anduin to break free from the Jailer’s control. I mean, the Jailer seems to really like possessing people who are very gifted in the Light. So maybe the best way to break his control would be to use the powers of the void...

This is basically how I want Anduin to break free from the Jailer’s control. I mean, the Jailer seems to really like possessing people who are very gifted in the Light. So maybe the best way to break his control would be to use the powers of the void instead?

I mean shadow/void magic is very centered around mind fuckery, so what better power to use to free yourself from mind control than from the very source?

Also WOULD LOVE to see Shadow Reaper Anduin beating the shit out of Sylvanus and the Jailer for their bullshit, no lie.

Despite being nauseous all day, I managed to draw this up!
I was tickled by the idea of Nero accidently stabbing himself with Yamato and separating his human and demon half from each other.
Because he’s only ¼ demon, Nero’s devil half takes...

Despite being nauseous all day, I managed to draw this up! 


I was tickled by the idea of Nero accidently stabbing himself with Yamato and separating his human and demon half from each other.

Because he’s only ¼ demon, Nero’s devil half takes the form of a small, mute demon. I also basically took the concept art for Nero’s DT from DMC4 for it’s design. Human Nero has long hair, cause like, it would kind of explain why his DT form has long hair?? He’s also missing his right arm.

Anyway, I thought it would be amusing to make Nero’s devil half very kind, timid, and gentle. Mostly because Nero only really activates his devil powers when he wants to save/protect someone. Meanwhile Nero’s human form is just a mixture of silent rage, depression, and a mess of deep insecurities.

Funnily enough the two halves get along great. Little demon Nero often helps human Nero calm down, while human Nero is VERY protective of his devil side.

Posted 4 years ago | 489 notes
Goodboy AU
One upside to Nero’s new abilities is that it’s much easier to stop a certain dumbass duo from maiming each other.

Goodboy AU

One upside to Nero’s new abilities is that it’s much easier to stop a certain dumbass duo from maiming each other.

foxy-tea asked:



LOL yeah he does. They’re not out all the time though. ((They’re kinda a bitch to draw so theres that too! ahaha))

GOD, I love Nero’s devil trigger. (♥ω♥*)

GOD, I love Nero’s devil trigger. (♥ω♥*)

GoodBoy AU
Nero has the hardest time with his changes with Dante. The man likes to tease him relentlessly, calling him a puppy and giving him praise just to see his reactions.
There was also the one and ONLY time he threw dog treats at Nero, who in...

GoodBoy AU

Nero has the hardest time with his changes with Dante. The man likes to tease him relentlessly, calling him a puppy and giving him praise just to see his reactions. 

There was also the one and ONLY time he threw dog treats at Nero, who in turn chucked Dante right out the window and through several buildings.

Goodboy AU for DevilMay Cry
Nero gets bitten by a werewolf-demon-thing during one mission and begins to notice that the wound isn’t healing very well. Everyone assures him he should be fine and that his demon blood should prevent any diseases, but...

Goodboy AU for DevilMay Cry

Nero gets bitten by a werewolf-demon-thing during one mission and begins to notice that the wound isn’t healing very well. Everyone assures him he should be fine and that his demon blood should prevent any diseases, but unfortunately for Nero it’s not enough.

He starts noticing that his sense of smell is getting WAY to good and starting to feel way super happy when someone tells him he’s done a good job. Hell, any praise makes him feel ecstatic. It’s not until he Triggers after the bite that he notices that he is WAYY more fluffy than before and things aren’t quite right.

He also finds out that if he really pushes himself, he can become a very big doggo. (tiny dancing Dante for refence)This whole thing is utterly embarrassing for him and he’s like, okay guys we have to fix this! And much to his dismay, everyone else is like, why?

Because it turns out that doggo Nero is absolutely adorable and really, theres no big downside, in fact Nero is stronger than before, so why change?

((just a little silly light hearted AU for Nero))

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