Icons of the Bible

God presented to us through his Holy Word the lives of sinners he used for his purposes. We today are also being used for his glory in our lives, families and communities.
205 Pins
The 12 Sons of Jacob: Their Names, Stories, and Blessings Explained
"Who were the 12 sons of Jacob, and what blessings did they receive? We explored the lives of each of Jacob's sons, their unique personalities, and the blessings given to them by their father before his death. From Reuben's lost birthright to Judah's promise of leadership, each son plays a crucial role in the history and lineage of the tribes of Israel. Watch to discover the significance of these blessings and how they shaped the destiny of the twelve tribes."
Joseph and His Dreams - J. R. Miller
If Jacob and Joseph and the other members of that family had known that morning, that for more than twenty years they would not meet again, would not their parting have been very tender? Yet life is quite as uncertain for us and our households...
Full Movie: Loreto: The Mystery of The Holy House
"An exclusive documentary investigation into one of the most fascinating and controversial mysteries of Christianity. How was the Holy House of the Virgin Mary transported from its original location in Nazareth, Palestine, to the town of Loreto on Italy's Adriatic coast?"
How to Read an Icon | Jonathan Pageau
"Discover the profound meaning behind sacred art in Jonathan Pageau's insightful lecture on how to read an icon. Learn to uncover the symbolism, theology, and spiritual depth encoded in traditional Christian iconography. Perfect for those seeking a deeper connection to faith and art."
Joseph: A Man of Character | Dr. Michael Youssef
"In this Christmas service, Dr. Michael Youssef tells the story of Joseph, the adopted father of Jesus, who provided a picture of God’s love, mercy, and grace.
King Rehoboam’s Fortifications Found at Biblical Lachish
The Bible states that King David’s grandson Rehoboam fortified numerous cities in Judah, including the massive city of Lachish, often called Judah’s second city after Jerusalem.
Ancient Seed Growing in Israeli Desert Believed to be Biblical 'Balm of Gilead'
A 1,000-year-old seed that germinated years ago, could be the biblical Balm of Gilead, known for its healing qualities – a tree that seemingly disappeared years ago.
The Incredible Journey: Daniel 6 | Season 1 | Episode 6 | Surviving The Lions Den
There are many heroes in the Bible. Some are great warriors. But others are men of quiet faith – men who display their courage, not on the battlefield, but simply by their faithfulness to God. Daniel is such a man...
The Incredible Journey: Daniel | Season 1 | Episode 5 | The Writing on the Wall
Daniel! The very name of this superhero of God brings vivid images to our minds. Dreams of world empires, golden statues, fiery furnaces, lions' dens, horns, beasts, powerful angels delivering mysterious end-time prophecies, the rise and fall of world empires through the corridors of time...
The Incredible Journey: Daniel Season 1 - Episode 4 - The King Who Ate Grass
Nebuchadnezzar was the greatest King on earth. He had every reason to be proud of his achievements. He ruled over the biggest empire the world had ever seen, from his palaces in the most beautiful city in the world: Babylon. And he had built it himself. This is the story of his struggle to accept that he wasn't the centre of the universe and that the true God was in control...
The Incredible Journey: Daniel | Season 1 | Episode 3 | Faith In The Flames
"Two thousand six hundred years ago, a remarkable scene played out on the plains of Dura right near ancient Babylon. An enormous golden statue of the most powerful King on the planet had been set up, and everyone was ordered to bow down to it and show their allegiance. Three young men refused. Their decision placed their lives in imminent danger."
The Incredible Journey: Daniel | Season 1 | Episode 2 | The Hand that Guides the Future
Does God really exist? And if He does, do you think He really pays much attention as we hurtle through space on a little blue planet? Or is He more like an absentee landlord who started the planet spinning a long time ago - and then just forgot about us?
Dr. Joel Klenck, 100% Noah's Ark, Scientific Archaeological Method and Theory
Dr. Joel Klenck utilizes scientific (processual) archaeological method and theory to determine the Ararat Archaeological Site is 100% Noah's Ark because all the features at the Site match a Trot-on / Trot-off maritime barge, while rejecting all null hypotheses...
Babylon - (Dis)Organized Community - N.T. Wright
Humans appear to have a tendency towards the building of societies, oftentimes in the form of cities. In this video, Prof. Wright explores how Babel/Babylon, the biblical embodiment of the world’s empires, demonstrates how this natural tendency can all too easily turn into attempts to replace God’s ways with our own...
What Was the Mixed Multitude?
"What was the mixed multitude made up of when the Israelites left Egypt during the Exodus? What’s so significant about the fact there even was a mixed multitude? What can we learn and apply to our lives today about the fact that there was a mixed multitude at the base of Mount Sinai when God met with Israel?"