Healing Crystals

Learn all about healing crystals, healing crystal meanings, healing crystal decor, healing crystals for beginners, crystal healing, healing stones, gemstone meanings, how to use crystals, the benefits of crystals, and so much more! #healingcrystals #healingstones #gemstonemeanings
630 Pins
Amethyst or Citrine Geode: How to Choose
Making the choice between an amethyst geode and a citrine geode can be difficult, especially when you'd really like to have both! When your budget doesn't provide that option, this article will help you make your amethyst or citrine decision. #amethystorcitrine #amethystgeode #citrinegeode https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/amethyst-or-citrine-geode-how-to-make-the-best-choice-for-you
What is the Spiritual Meaning of Amethyst?
The Spiritual meaning of Amethyst is one that is full of opportunity and magic. By understanding Amethyst spiritual properties, you can learn how to use it to improve your spiritual life and feel more in touch with the Divine. #spiritualmeaningofamethyst #amethystspiritualmeaning #amethystspiritualproperties https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/what-is-the-spiritual-meaning-of-amethyst
Unraveling the Magical Properties of Amethyst
Learn how to use the magical properties of Amethyst in your life to make changes and live the life you desire. Discover why Amethyst has magical powers and the many different rituals that bring that magic forward. Amethyst magical properties, here we come! #magicalpropertiesofamethyst #amethystmagicalproperties https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/magical-properties-of-amethyst
7 Amethyst Uses to Inspire Your Mind, Body & Soul
There are tons of ways to use Amethyst to improve your life. Here are 7 of our favorite Amethyst uses to get you started, plus links to many more ideas. #howtouseamethyst #waystouseamethyst #amethystuses https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/amethyst-uses
21 Unique Ways to Use Your Giant Amethyst
Most of us don't even realize how many different ways we can use a giant amethyst to improve our lives. That's why we've put together these 21 ideas to help you get the most out of your amazing giant amethyst. Don't miss the infographic at the end of the article! #giantamethyst #waystouseamethyst #amethystgeodeuses https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/21-unique-ways-to-use-giant-amethyst
The Origin and Science Behind How Amethyst Forms
Learn about Amethyst formation so you can better understand just how incredible these little (and often big) gems are. You'll be in awe of how amazing Mother Nature is and why owning an Amethyst Geode is so special. Let's discover what there is to know about Amethyst crystal formation now! #amethystformation #amethystcrystalformation https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/how-amethyst-forms
Discover the Chevron Amethyst Healing Properties
Chevron Amethyst healing properties will evoke the right energies you need at the right time. Allow this stone to promote positivity, strengthen you physically, and guide you into your next spiritual journey. Let's Learn all about Chevron Amethyst meaning now! #chevronamethysthealingproperties #chevronamethystmeaning #chevronamethyst https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/chevron-amethyst-healing-properties
5 Amethyst Chakra Healing Tips: Awaken Intuition
One of the easiest ways to awaken your intuition is to use amethyst chakra healing energy. This article outlines how that works, plus five tips to help you get immediate results. #amethystchakra #chakrahealingenergy #amethystchakrahealing https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/5-amethyst-chakra-healing-tips-to-awaken-your-intuition
21 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Giant Amethyst
Most of us don't even realize how many different ways we can use a giant amethyst to improve our lives. That's why we've put together these 21 ideas to help you get the most out of your amazing giant amethyst geode. Don't miss the infographic at the end of the article! #giantamethyst #giantamethystgeode #amethystgeode https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/21-unique-ways-to-use-giant-amethyst
Amethyst Meaning Throughout Time: Ancient-Current
It should be fairly obvious that we LOVE Amethyst! Besides the powerful healing abilities of this wondrous stone, the history of Amethyst meaning is pretty magical too. Learn about its expansive presence and the meaning of Amethyst throughout the ages right here! #amethystmeaning #meaningofamethyst #historyofamethyst #amethysthistory https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/amethyst-meaning
Most Complete Guide to Amethyst Healing Properties
With this complete guide of amethyst healing properties, you'll discover the myriad of ways that amethyst can transform your mind, body, and spirit. It's our favorite healing stone, and for good reason! Let's dig into amethyst properties and meaning now! #amethysthealingproperties #amethystproperties #amethystmeaning https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/most-complete-guide-to-amethyst-healing-properties
Amethyst Chakra Healing Tips to Awaken Intuition
One of the easiest ways to awaken your intuition is to use amethyst chakra crystal healing energy. This article outlines how that works, plus five tips to help you get immediate results. #amethystchakracrystalhealing #amethystchakra #howtoawakenyourintuition https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/5-amethyst-chakra-healing-tips-to-awaken-your-intuition
10 Signs You Need a Natural Amethyst Geode
You may have heard that a natural amethyst geode is beautiful or serene, but you might not know how much of an impact it can have in your life. Here are 10 signs that you need one! #naturalamethystgeode #amethystgeode https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/natural-amethyst-geode
3 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Crystals
Want to purchase some new crystals to add to your collection or start a new one? Make sure you avoid these mistakes when buying crystals! #buyingcrystals #crystalbuyingmistakes https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/mistakes-to-avoid-when-buying-crystals
The Extraordinary Benefits of an Amethyst Geode
Amethyst stones are popular not only because of their brilliant and beautiful purple hue, but also because of the immense benefits they offer. Let's take a deeper look into a few of the benefits of amethyst and more specifically amethyst geode benefits. #amethystgeodebenefits #amethystbenefits #benefitsofamethyst https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/the-extraordinary-benefits-of-an-amethyst-geode