OCC- Pictures

203 Pins
Operation Christmas Child®
Teach your kids to give!
Operation Christmas Child®
A smile - the international sign of hope.
Twenty Years of Joy
Twenty years after it began in war-torn Bosnia, Operation Christmas Child continues to deliver shoeboxes and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children around the world.
Operation Christmas Child®
What our greatest desire should be...
Operation Christmas Child Juan's Story
Operation Christmas Child Juan's Story
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child UK
The simple shoebox gift the Prakash received brought joy and the Good News to his family in Nepal
Operation Christmas Child - Shoe Box Delivery to Guadalajara, Mexico, De...
Operation Christmas Child®
Operation Christmas Child
Mark your calendars for the sixth annual Bikers with Boxes! Saturday, Oct. 19, 2013. Last year, big-hearted bikers brought more than 1,400 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Awesome!!
Samaritan’s Purse
A simple shoebox gift brings joy and the Good News to a family in Nepal