Open When Cards

These are the cards I made for my two best friends when we graduated from high school. The themes of the cards were all the same, but I changed the details of the cards to fit each of them individually. I had a lot of fun making these and hope they enjoy opening them!
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Open When... you forget how loved you are
- a letter on the card reminding them of my love for them - verses about our Creator's love for them on the smaller cards
Open When... you need a trip down memory lane
- a letter on the card and a few references to some iconic stories - I got some 2x3 pictures printed that fit into the mini envelopes
Open When... you could use a study break
- a letter with some really good episodes of New Girl for them to watch - a quote about resting
Open When... you need a laugh
- a letter with some funny memories - funny old pictures of us - some really good dad jokes on index cards - quotes about laughing
Open When... you don't feel beautiful
- a letter on the card - verses reminding them of the beauty they were given by God - songs to make them feel beautiful
Open When... you miss me
- a letter on the card with a reminder to text me - 2x3 pictures of us - songs about being friends - a trace of my hand that says "I'm not there with you, but I'll always be here for you" and "This is me holding your hand"
Open When... you need motivation
- a letter on the card - cute quotes about working hard
Open When... you're stressed
- a letter on the card - encouraging quotes and verses - a list of songs to listen to - a list of Bible references to look up
Open When... you're bored
- a letter on the card - a list of things to do to keep them busy - a crossword I created on the internet with clues that are inside jokes - the answer key
Open When... you're mad
- a letter on the card telling - a piece of paper that says "rip this to shreds" - a red balloon for them to blow up and then pop - a blank card and envelope addressed to me so they can write down their feelings and tell me about it
Open When... you can't sleep
- a letter for them to read on the card - a sheep I drew and cut out so they can "count sheep" - a quote about dreaming - a verse about resting
Open When... you need some good luck
- a letter wishing them good luck - a total of 7 luck things (a penny, a number 7, a star to wish on, a fortune from a cookie, shamrocks, a rainbow, and glitter in an envelope labeled "wishing dust") - a list of 6 unlucky things to avoid (opening umbrellas inside, walking under ladders, black cats, the number 6, breaking mirrors, and telling birthday wishes)
Open When... you're sad
- a letter for them to read on the card - encouraging verses on the index cards - stickers to add a little sparkle to their day
Open When... it's your birthday
- a letter on the card - a balloon that I blew up and wrote on for them to blow up and read