iPhone / iPad Art

Drawings made with Brushes app on iPhone and iPad.
18 Pins
Gamelatron: The City Flower
iDrawing: Gamelatron: The City Flower
Ceramic Dog at (Le) Poisson Rouge
iDrawing: Ceramic Dog at (Le) Poisson Rouge
Ceramic Dog at (Le) Poisson Rouge
iDrawing: Ceramic Dog at (Le) Poisson Rouge
Max Richter at (Le) Poisson Rouge
iDrawing: Max Richter at (Le) Poisson Rouge
Drawing Music :: So Percussion & Matmos : A John Cage Celebration at Carnegie Hall
iDrawing: Drawing Music :: So Percussion & Matmos : A John Cage Celebration at Carnegie Hall
"Overheard". An Experimental iPad Animation.
"Overheard". An Experimental iPad Animation.
Union Square in Spring Bloom
iDrawing: Union Square in Spring Bloom. Drawn on iPhone by Julia Sverchuk. 2012.
Thoughts on Face. Subway commuter (iPhone art)
Thoughts on Face. Subway commuter (iPhone art) by juliasverchuk.com, via Flickr
iPhone art by Audrey Hawkins. http://audreyhawkins.blogspot.com/
Season of Youth. Drawn on iPhone by juliasverchuk.com
NYC Subway Commuter. Drawn on iPhone by Julia Sverchuk
NYC Subway Commuter. Drawn on iPhone by juliasverchuk.com
Bonobo Concert in NYC. Drawn on iPhone by juliasverchuk.com
NYC Subway Commuter. Drawn on iPhone. Reportage.