
46 Pins
How to Make 12V Automatic Day & Night Light Circuit #diy #electronic #electric #viral #electrical
How to Make 12V Automatic Day & Night Light Circuit #diy #electronic #el...
Identify Neutral, Live, and Earth wires using a multimeter
Easy step-by-step guide on how to identify Neutral, Live, and Earth wires using a multimeter
The Ultimate FM Transmitter (Long Range Spybug)
FM transmitters can be complicated to build, that's why I'm teaching you how to make a foolproof FM transmitter. There's no need to buy kits, this tutorial includes the PCB layout and the schematics. It has a range of up to 1/4 mile or more. #education
Speaker Parallel Serial Connection Calculator - www.320volt.com
Sometimes in home audio systems or auto audio systems, the speakers need to be connected in parallel, sometimes this type of connection is necessary. Prepared with Excel Speaker serial, parallel connection calculation tool Anfi power loudspeaker omaj, total connection according to the connection shape, consuming power shows.
Electronic Components List with Images | ElecCircuit.com