Manic Panic Swatches

What specific Manic Panic colors look like on different shades of hair.
46 Pins
Dentro de la gama de rosas de Manic Panic nos encontramos con el Fuschia Shock. Un rosa fucsia e intenso que hará que tu melena luzca increible. Lo tienes disponible en la versión Classic por tan sólo 12,90 euros. Mira la foto y verás los matices que puedes conseguir con este color. Además, es apto para cabellos castaños naturales sin tener que decolorar!!
#NewRose can create a dimensional #rosegold on darker #hair, or a bright…
Manic Panic UltraViolet doesn't just work on platinum! It can also leave a subtler tint on darker hair , giving it a rich, beautiful eggplant shade. See how this dye comes out on various levels of blonde
Manic Panic Electric Tiger Lily on different levels of hair
See how Violet Night comes out on different shades of blonde, here. #VioletNight #ManicPanic #ManicPanicJapan #Purplehair
Wondering how light you should be to use #BlueSteel? #ManicPanicJapan answered your question with this neat chart! (Hint: It probably won't work too well unless your hair is very, very light.)
Electric Amethyst from Manic Panic. Purple hair, Lavender hair.