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Find Rest for Your Soul
Are you someone who feels like you’ve run out of strength? Having a difficult time putting your faith in God? I hope you find comfort in knowing that the wilderness is where we enter God’s Presence and experience His true nature. He renews, strengthens, and prepares us for what’s to come. In this post, I speak about my own journey and how verses in the Bible have helped me navigate through the wilderness.
Trust the Wait
This space is committed to cultivating community through sharing our experiences, learning, discovering, healing, and growing together. We were created in the image of community, and our spiritual journeys were meant to be shared, not just the highs, but the lows as well. In this space, you will find ideas, inspiration, and encouragement as you journey through life and seek healing and guidance from Spirit.
Reckless Optimism
Here you will learn how to transform your thought life by identifying where our thoughts emerge from, shifting focus, and undoing negative thought patterns. Are you finding it difficult to cope with everyday life? Having an awareness of and taking care of your mental health is essential. Implementing self-care practices and techniques into your daily schedule will allow you to experience peace and inner strength. Here, you will find inspiration for how to enhance your overall wellness.
YOU’RE LOVED. — Not So Small Talk
Are you struggling to see your value? We’re all flawed and still worthy of love and belonging. You're Loved #Inspirationalwords #quotes #love
How to Deal With Doubt
Are you struggling with a lack of faith? Having a difficult time overcoming uncertainty? We all doubt ourselves or others at some point. But what do we do when it happens? In this post, I discuss how to confront your doubts and overcome them with faith.
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Remember Who God Has Called You to Be
Are you looking for change? Using positive affirmations, that are based on spiritual truth, will transform your mind, boost your confidence, and increase your sense of gratitude in a powerful way. Our words are powerful and they have the ability to produce. It’s time to start speaking truth over our circumstances daily. Watch as God’s word transforms your mind, increases your faith, and produces manifestation in your life.
45 Self-care Quotes To Put Your Needs First Unapologetically
You are not tired for no reason. Listen to your body. - Self-care quotes for those who don't have time for self-care - OurMindfulLife.com