Plant journal template

18 Pins
Watercolor House Plant Clip Art
Watercolor House Plant Clip Art by Essem Creatives on @creativemarket This is a set of hand painted watercolor house plants in cute pots and planters illustrations. Included are pre-made indoor potted plants. Also included are separate cute pots and planters, and separate common house plants & succulents. Perfect for logo branding, planner stickers, housewarming gifts, wall art, invitations and more. Click to see more>>
Pflanzen zeichnen für Anfänger - ganz leicht gemacht
Pflanzen zeichnen mit Bleistift und Fineliner. Eine Schritt für Schritt Anleitung mit vier Videos – so können auch Kinder schon mitmachen. Ganz einfach erklärt, damit ihr schöne Ergebnisse erzielt. #pflanzenzeichnen #zeichnen #kaktus #urbangardening
BUJO - Monthly Cover : April - Buds Inspiration - Clem Around The Corner
Couronne végétale bullet journal page d'accueil mythique de bujo inspiration nature et feuilles pour le mois d'avril dessins de feuilles bourgeons phrase motivante et calendrier mensuel intégrée tutoriel dessin et calligraphie minuscule écriture manuscrite et lettres majuscules floral and vegetal inspired bullet journal monthly cover page for the month of april buds and leaves calligraphy motivational quote green integrated monthly calendar planner #bulletjournal #bujo #april #stayINspired
Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Ideas For March 2022
Starting a new week in your bullet journal?! Check out these awesome March weekly spread ideas for inspiration to get you started! 🌿🌿
Currently Loving: 8 NASA-Approved Houseplants That Remove Formaldehyde
8 NASA-Approved Plants That Remove Formaldehyde by Branch Basics
I made this log to keep track of when I water and repot my cacti and succulents! With doodles representing the plants.