Wrapped Kite

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It's National Kite Flying Day! 🪁 When you hear about flying kites, do you automatically hear the Mary Poppins song in your head? If you don’t then you obviously haven’t had the pleasure of enjoying that lovely movie! Take the time to watch it and you won’t be disappointed. But we were talking about National Kite Flying Day! ~ Wayne 🗻🐐🏃
Kleurrijke vliegers vlogen door de Here Comes The Summer campagne | Into The Great Wide Open
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High Quality Power Dual Line Stunt Parafoil Parachute Beach Kite For Beginner Outdoor For Fun Gift
Kite flying on Dunstable Downs
That very neat and patriotic Parafoil kite up the top seems nailed up there - see how straight the long tail is. The power sled below look like it was decorated with no regard for convention - but looks great anyway. Such is art. T.P. (my-best-kite.com) "Kite flying on Dunstable Downs" Cropped from a photo by Snapshooter46 on Flickr.
Cellular Kite
At first glance, and from this angle, this kite design could be taken for a rather wide Diamond kite. But it is in fact a form of Box kite, which are a subset of cellular kites in general. T.P. (my-best-kite.com)
The Shavit Kite Gallery
From the Shavit Kite Gallery - this symmetrical design has a similar appearance to a Genki in flight. Most Genki kites don't feature a stained-glass type decoration though! T.P. (my-best-kite.com)