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Sophia Ha on Instagram: "I've had the most brutal cold/flu for the last 4 days. My sinuses are clogged and my energy is super low. These acupressure points help to relieve some of the stagnation that create a stuffy nose and puffy face. Hold each spot for 10-60 seconds. You can hold for longer if you choose. Breathe into each spot. Feel the sensation. Note: Acupressure is not all I'm doing for relief. To help boost my immune system and get things opening up, I'm also: ✔ Drinking tonnes of hot raw ginger tea and turmeric ✔ Taking vitamin C & Oil if Oregano ✔ Sleeping as much as my body needs ✔ Neti pot every night #facialacupressure #acupressure #faceacupressure #selfcare #sinuses #noninvasive #facecare #puffyface #puffyeyes #holistichealth #holisticbeauty #theholisticfacelift #se
Do you suffer from headaches or migraines?
Do you suffer from headaches or migraines? – Rh Negative Blood and People